Perspectives in Representation Theory
DMUC, University of Coimbra
Representation theory has a rich and colourful history. From a classic viewpoint, representation theory is the study of abstract algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, algebras (associative or not), by the action of their elements on a more familiar structure, such as an abelian...
The 14th Combinatorics Days
Univ. Nova de Lisboa
The Combinatorics Days is an annual conference series that brings together mathematicians working in Combinatorics, widely interpreted, and related fields such as Algebra, Geometry, Probability, Computer Science or Physics.
The 13th Combinatorics Days
Univ. Beira Interior, Covilhã
The Combinatorics Days is an annual conference series that brings together mathematicians working in Combinatorics, widely interpreted, and related fields such as Algebra, Geometry, Probability, Computer Science or Physics.
July 13-14, 2023, Univ. of Beira Interior, Covilhã...
16th Workshop on Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii
DMUC, University of Coimbra
The purpose of the 16th Workshop on Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii (WONRA 2023) is to stimulate research and foster interaction between researchers interested in the subject. The informal workshop atmosphere will facilitate the exchange of ideas from different scientific areas and,...
V International Workshop on Non-Associative Algebras
Vitória, Brazil
The V International workshop "Non-associative algebras in Vitória" will be held at the Federal University of Espírito Santo from 12/12/2022 to 16/12/2022. It aims to bring together researchers from around the world, working in the field of non-associative algebras,...
IV International Workshop on Non-Associative Algebras
University of Beira Interior
The IV International workshop "Non-associative algebras in Covilhã" will be held at the University of Beira Interior from 24/10/2022 to 28/10/2022. It aims to bring together researchers from around the world, working in the field of non-associative algebras, sharing the...
12nd Combinatorics Day
Univ. de Aveiro, Portugal
Lectures will take place in Sala Sousa Pinto, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro.Organisers: Olga Azenhas (CMUC, UC), Rui Duarte (CIDMA, UA), Samuel Lopes (CMUP, FCUP). To participate send an email to Rui Duarte ( Departamento de...
Non-Associative Algebras and Related Topics II
DMat, UC
This conference is dedicated to Alberto Elduque on the occasion of his 60th birthday. In the past 30 years, Professor Elduque has significantly contributed to the progress of Algebra, notably to the theory of non-associative graded algebras. Our aim is to bring together those...
II Non-Associative Day in Coimbra
DMUC, University of Coimbra
The Virtual 11th Combinatorics Days
Organisers: José Agapito (CEAFEL, UL), Olga Azenhas (CMUC, UC), Amélia Fonseca (CEAFEL, UL), Samuel Lopes (CMUP, FCUP), Maria Manuel Torres (CEAFEL, UL). Sponsors: CEAFEL, CMUC, CMUP and FCT. To access the Zoom links, you must first register for the event by sending...
Meeting on the Scientific Heritage of the Coimbra Group Universities
UCLouvain, Belgium
This seminar is the closing event of the Project "Attractivité internationale et collaborations de recherche dans le cadre du Coimbra group", 22|10|2021UCLouvain, Belgium | Auditoire Charles de...
The Virtual 10th Combinatorics Days
This is the 10th edition of the Combinatorics Days, to be held online on the 30th of November and the 7th of December. It is a joint organization of CMUP and CMUC. Tentative ProgrammeNovember 30th, Monday, Lisbon/London time 17:50--18:00 Gathering 18:00-18:30 Loïc...
VII Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods
online (video conference)
The VII WCDANM | 2020 is a unique opportunity to disseminate scientific research related to the areas of Mathematics and Statistics in general, with particular relevance in Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods in theoretical and/or practical field, using new techniques....
Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
EVENTO ADIADO para uma data a definir posteriormente. O Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (ENSPM) é um evento destinado aos matemáticos e a todos os que se interessam pela matemática, organizado pela Sociedade Portuguesa de...
The Sixteenth Workshop on Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii
Hotel Termas da Curia
EVENT POSTPONED: Due to the emergency for the Covid-19 epidemic, the organizers postponed the conference to 2021. The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate research and foster interaction between researchers interested in the subject. The informal workshop atmosphere will...
Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas: 8th Workshop
Sala 2.4
The Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas was started in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar of mathematicians from the Maths Departments of the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto, with research interests in Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras, as well...
Dia de Álgebra - dedicado a Helena Maria Mamede Albuquerque, por ocasião do seu aniversário
Sala 2.5, DMat UC
Sala 2.5 -...
Special session on Representation Theory of Algebras and Groups
IST, Lisbon
IWOTA 2019 will be held Monday July 22—Friday July 26, at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal (see We are organizing a special session within IWOTA 2019 on Representation Theory of Algebras and Groups. The...
II International Workshop on Non-Associative Algebras
University of Porto
The II International workshop on non-associative algebras will be held at the University of Porto from 29/04/2019 to 03/05/2019. It aims to bring together researchers from around the world, working in the field of non-associative algebras, sharing the latest results and challenges in this...
The 82nd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Hotel das Termas da Curia
The Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire has existed since 1980 as a joint seminar in Combinatorics for the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen and Strasbourg, as well as the other Universities along the Lotharingian boundaries. Regular meetings will continue in the same spirit,...
New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions
Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra
The Third Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions aims to present recent advances in the research on quaternions and octonions gathering scientists working in pure as well as applied mathematics, scientific computation and applications in physics, engineering and other applied...
WORKSHOP on Matrix Theory / SEMINAR of Representation Theory
University of Lisbon
The Workshop "Matrix Theory and beyond" will focus on various problems dealing with Matrices, like matrix polynomials, low rank perturbations, completion problems and related combinatorics including applications of Matrix Theory in engineering. The main goal of the Workshop is to...
Tropical Geometry and Moduli Spaces
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A Satellite Conference to the ICM 2018 in Rio de Janeiro: In just the past few years, there have been a number of significant advances in building explicit links between tropical geometry and the algebraic geometry of moduli spaces, especially for curves and abelian varieties, using...
The 8th Combinatorics Day
University of Porto
This is the eighth edition of the Combinatorics Days, to be held at the University of Porto. It is a joint organization of CMUP and CMUC....
Tarde de Álgebra - dedicada a Graciano Neves de Oliveira, por ocasião do seu 80.º aniversário
Sala 2.4, DMat UC
Quarta-feira, 16 de Maio de 2018 Sala 2.4 - DMUC 15h00 - 15h40: Natália Bebiano (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) - Approximations for von Neumann and Rényi entropies of graphs using the Euler-Maclaurin formula 15h40 - 16h20: António Leal Duarte (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) - Multiple...
6th Workshop of the Seminar on Representation Theory and Related Areas
Universidade do Algarve
The Seminar on Representation Theory and Related Areas started in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar by mathematicians from the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto.The group aims to pursue and develop interactions between mathematicians working in Representation Theory,...
Conference to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Peter J Cameron
FCUL, Univ. Lisboa
Gathering excellence where Cameron excels: Combinatorics, Groups, Model Theory, Number Theory, Semigroups, Statistics, and more......
Workskop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2017 / WOTCA 2017
IST, Lisbon
The Workskop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2017 / WOTCA 2017 will take place in the Department of Mathematics of Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon on 3-6 July 2017. It aims to bring together researchers working in Operator Theory, Complex...
Two short courses on algebraic combinatorics
Sala 2.4
Christian Krattenthaler, Universität Wien: Enumeration of plane partitions and alternating sign matricesAbstract: Plane partitions and alternating sign matrices have been among the most intensively studied objects in enumerative combinatorics over the past 40 years. In...
The 7th Combinatorics Day
Univ. Évora
This is the seventh edition of the Combinatorics Days, to be held at the University of Évora. It is a joint organization of the universities of Coimbra, Évora and Porto....
Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas - 5th Workshop
University of Lisbon
The Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas was started in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar of mathematicians from the Maths Departments of the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto, with research interests in Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras, as well...
Tarde de Álgebra - dedicada a Eduardo Marques de Sá, por ocasião do seu 70º aniversário
Sexta-feira, 2 de Dezembro de 2016 - Sala 5.5 - DMUC 15h00 - 15h45: Fernando Conceição Silva (CEAFEL, Univ. Lisboa) - Sobre as desigualdades de entrelaçamento de Sá-Thompson em anéis15h45 - 16h30: Olga Azenhas (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) - Factores...
2016 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
DMat, University of Coimbra
Program: SEPTEMBER 5-9, COURSE ON DYNAMICS AND OPTIMIZATION: Short Course on Heteroclinic Dynamics by Professor Mike Field, Rice University (USA) and Imperial College (UK) Short Course on Polynomial Optimization by Professor Rekha Thomas, University of Washington (USA)...
Workskop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications 2016
DMat, University of Coimbra
It aims to bring together researchers working in Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and their applications, and to create an opportunity to highlight the current state of the art in these fields, present open problems and engage in fruitful discussions. Connections with Linear Algebra will...
MatTriad 2015
The workshop on matrix theory, MatTriad 2015, sixth in a series, will be held in Coimbra (Portugal) September 7-11th, 2015. The previous workshops were held in Będlewo (Poland): 2005, 2007 and 2009, Tomar (Portugal): 2011 and Herceg-Novi (Montenegro): 2013. The aim is to bring...
Conference on Algebraic Surfaces
University of Lisbon
Conference organized on the occasion of Margarida Mendes Lopes 60th birthday....
Summer school on Representation Theory
DMat, University of Coimbra
The school consists of two courses:Karin Erdmann The quiver of a finite-dimensional algebra. (4h30) Alexander Kleshchev Representation theory of symmetric groups and categorification. (4h30) ...
The 5th Combinatorics Day
UBI, Covilhã
Lectures will take place in room Sala de Reuniões, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã. Organisers: Henrique Cruz (UBI), Ilda Rodrigues (UBI), Rogério Serôdio (UBI), Olga Azenhas (CMUC,UC) and António Guedes de...
Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas - IV Workshop
The Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas was started in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar of mathematicians from the Maths Departments of the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto, with research interests in Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras, as well as...
Matrices & Operators - Workshop with Abraham Berman
The workshop will be held at the Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Its purpose is to bring together researchers working on matrix analysis and operator theory, special emphasis being given to applications in other areas of Science. One of the main goals is to...
The 4th Combinatorics Day
Univ. Aveiro
In honour of Raul Cordovil...
Minicourses on Stability
Lecturers: -Arend Bayer: "Bridgeland stability and birational geometry”; -Jacopo Stoppa: “K-stability of projective varieties”. There will be 5 lectures on each topic. ...
Tarde de Álgebra e Combinatória
Room 2.4 Dmat
Programa: 14h30m - "Homological properties of quantized Schur algebras", Ivan Yudin. 15h15m - "Growth diagrams and non-symmetric Cauchy identities on near staircases", Aram Emami Dashtaki. 16h00m - Coffee break ...
Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas
University of Porto
The Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas was started in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar of mathematicians from the Maths Departments of the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto, with research interests in Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras, as well as...
Summer School on Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics
Casa de Camilo, S. Miguel de Seide
The 2nd Combinatorics Day
Room 2.5, DMUC
This is the second session of the Combinatorics Days....
Tarde CIM - Lectures on Galois covers of the moduli space of curves
Room 5.5 - Mathematics Department of the University of Coimbra
This is a short course of two lectures by M. Boggi (Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá) on Galois covers of the moduli space of curves. The first lecture will consist of a self-contained introduction to Teichmüller theory and the mapping class group and the second lecture will be...
Coimbra Salamanca Algebraic Geometry Seminar
U. Coimbra/U. Salamanca
III Meeting...
XXI Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica
University of Coimbra
O Encontro Nacional de Astronomia e Astrofísica - ENAA - reúne anualmente a comunidade de investigadores de Astronomia e Astrofísica das instituições portuguesas e das instituições internacionais das quais Portugal faz parte, assim como os...
Directions in Matrix Theory 2011
This workshop aims to be a forum of discussion of frontline areas of Matrix Theory and its Applications. The workshop will bring together renowned researchers of diverse fields fostering the exchange of experiences and insights from different perspectives....
Topics in Tensors - A Summer School by Shmuel Friedland
Room 5.5
Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas: First Workshop
Room 2.4
The Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas was conceived in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar of mathematicians from the Math Departments of the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto, with research interests in Representation Theory of Groups and Algebras, as well...
Coimbra Salamanca Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Salamanca
II Meeting ...
Coimbra Meeting on 0-1 Matrix Theory and Related Topics
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté
Mathematics Department, University of Coimbra
GAeL, Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté, is a conference organised by and for researchers in Algebraic Geometry at the beginning of their scientific career. The conference gives PhD students and post-docs the opportunity to lecture, often for the first time, in...
Three Short Courses on Combinatorics and Representation Theory
Department of Mathematics
Speakers: Stephen Donkin, York University, England;Christian Krattenthaler, Universität Wien, Austria;Alain Lascoux, Université Paris-Est de Marne-la-Vallée, France....
Mathematics Department, University of Coimbra
I Meeting...
The 61st Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
Grande Hotel da Curia, Curia, Portugal
The Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire has existed since 1980 and the sessions of the Seminar have been held regularly twice a year either in France, Germany, Italy or Austria. The 61st session is organized in Portugal. Since 1994 the Seminar hosts an international electronic ...
Lecture mini-series: "An Introduction to Algebraic Groups"
Lecture 1. Introduction to affine varieties and algebraic groups, examples
such as general linear groups and subgroups.
Lecture 2. The rational representation theory of algebraic groups and
polynomial representation theory of general linear groups.
Lecture 3. Schur...
Tarde de Matemática <br>
por ocasião do 60º aniversário de Eduardo Marques de Sá
Sala 2.4
Speaker(s): Area(s): ...
11th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
The conference is dedicated to Richard Brualdi in honor of his 65th birthday and his numerous contributions to Linear Algebra, ILAS, and Mathematics. ...
The 7th Workshop on Numerical Ranges and Numerical Radii
Mathematics Department, University of Coimbra
The aim of this mathematical meeting is to stimulate research and interaction of researchers on Numerical Ranges and Radii interested in all aspects of linear and multilinear algebra, matrix analysis and applications, and to provide an opportunity for researchers to exchange ideas, recent...
Tarde de Álgebra (Dedicada à Prof. Doutora Maria Emília Miranda)
Sala 2.4
Speaker(s): António St. Aubyn (Inst. Sup. de Agronomia, Lisboa), Natália Bebiano (Univ. Coimbra), Zhang Yulin (Univ. Minho), A. Leal Duarte (Univ. Coimbra), J.A. Dias da Silva (Univ. Lisboa) Area(s): ...
Three lectures by Roger Carter
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
The MONSTER is the largest of the sporadic finite simple groups. In 1979 Conway and Norton published a
remarkable conjecture relating representations of the MONSTER to the theory of modular forms. In 1998 Borcherds was
awarded a Fields Medal for (among other things) his proof of the...
Colloquim Lecture by J.A. Green
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra Speaker(s): J.A. Green Area(s): ...
Workshop on Partially Known Matrices and Operators
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Miroslav Fiedler, Charles Johnson, Pedro Freitas, Juan-Miguel Gracia, Wang Xiaochang, Wayne Barrett, Ion Zaballa Area(s): ...
Geometric and Combinatorial Methods
in the Hermitian Sum Spectral Problem
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Alexander Klyachko, Allen Knutson, Alexander Klyachko, Jane Day, Norman Wildberger, Shmuel Friedland Area(s): ...
© Centre for Mathematics, University of Coimbra, funded by

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