Events - Historic

<Theme details>

2024 Summer School in Computational Biology
University of Coimbra
This will be an intensive course targeted to students from the M. Sc. to post-doctoral levels with either biological or exact sciences backgrounds who wish to acquire skills in Computational Biology. It will have four main components:     Introductory lectures on mathematics and...

ENSPM 2024 - Encontro Nacional da SPM
Universidade do Minho, Braga

Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture
Room Pedro Nunes, DMUC
Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - Trends and Challenges THE EVENT In recent years, the intersection of mathematics and agriculture has emerged as a pivotal domain, offering innovative solutions to address pressing challenges in both environmental, sustainability and economic...

Golden Shark-FV 2024: Sharing Higher-order Advanced Know-how on Finite Volume Conference
São Felix Hotel, Póvoa de Varzim
The main purpose of this conference is to strengthen the collaborations between Finite Volume (FV) field actors and to share the burden of research and development of numerical codes of FV type. This workshop brings the opportunity for Researchers...

Reaction-diffusion equations: modelling, analysis and simulations
Sala 5.5, DMUC
Programme: 14:30   Reaction-diffusion systems: the effects of cross-diffusion and domain growth             Raquel Barreira              Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Escola Superior de...

Workshop on Numerical Analysis
Sala 2.5, DMUC
On January 4, 2024, the University of Coimbra's Mathematics Department will host the "Workshop on Numerical Analysis", a workshop celebrating the 60th birthday of José Augusto Ferreira. This workshop will bring together researchers working in numerical analysis, including former students...

Workshop: Artificial Intelligence for Computational Mechanics
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
The objectives of this one-day workshop focus on the recent development of AI in Computational mechanics, and foster the use of ML techniques in the elaboration of numerical schemes and the management of data. More information:

174th European Study Group with Industry
Felgueiras, Portugal
The 174th European Study Group with Industry will take place from uly 3rd to July 7th 2023 in Portugal, at the School of Management and Technology of Polytechnic of Porto.These meetings were created with the aim of renovating and reinforcing the links between Mathematics and Industry.This...

Shark-FV 2023: Sharing Higher-order Advanced Know-how on Finite Volume Conference
São Felix Hotel, Póvoa de Varzim
The main purpose of this conference is to strengthen the collaborations between Finite Volume (FV) field actors and to share the burden of research and development of numerical codes of FV type. This workshop brings the opportunity for Researchers from International Universities to discuss...

VIII Iberian Modelling Week
DMUC, University of Coimbra
The VIII Iberian Modeling Week will take place on the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, from July 25th to July 29th 2022. It is an event jointly promoted by the Portuguese Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation, PT-MATHS-IN, and by the Spanish Mathematics...

French-German-Portuguese Conference on Optimization 2022
University of Porto
This is the 20th edition of the series of French-German conferences which initiated in Oberwolfach, Germany, in 1980. Since 1998, the conference has been organized under the participation of a third invited European country. This time it will be jointly organized with Portugal and will...

VII Iberian Modelling Week
The VII Iberian Modeling Week will take place online from 26th to 28th November 2021. It is an event jointly promoted by the Portuguese Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation, PT-MATHS-IN, and by the Spanish Mathematics and Industry Network, math-in. Organizer at CMUC:...

Workshop: Matemática Computacional nos desafios do mundo real
DMUC, Sala 17 de Abril
Este workshop em Matemática Computacional, organizado pelo Laboratório de Matemática Computacional (LCM) do CMUC, integra as actividades do projecto "Desafios em Matemática Computacional" financiado pela FCT, ao abrigo do programa "Verão...

Final Workshop of Project MOBIWISE
Online workshop on the final results of the P2020 project SAICTPAC/0011/2015 "MobiWise: from Mobile Sensing to Mobility Advising", 12/15/2020 from 2pm to 5pm. Within the scope of the P2020 project SAICTPAC/0011/2015 "MobiWise: from Mobile Sensing to Mobility...

ECMI Webinar
Webinar on Mathematics of the COVID19 crisis: In the eye of the storm The COVID-19 pandemic is currently generating considerable activity among applied and industrial mathematicians across Europe.The mathematics of modelling, simulation, and optimisation in all its various forms has...

2019 Summer School in Computational Biology
University of Coimbra
This will be an intensive course targeted to students from the M. Sc. to post-doctoral levels with either biological or exact sciences backgrounds who wish to acquire skills in Computational Biology. It will have four main components:   - Introductory lectures on mathematics and...

International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications 2019
The 4th edition of the International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations Applications will be held in the VIP Zurique Hotel in Lisbon. The previous conferences were held in the cities of Ponta Delgada (Azores, Portugal) in 2011 and Amadora (Portugal) in 2015 and...

Workshop - Multi-objective optimisation: applications in the industry
Room 17 de Abril, DMUC
Optimisation is a field of Mathematics showing in many real-life applications, from the simple management of everyday problems to more sophisticated ones that arise in different scientific and technological areas. In many of these situations, it is necessary to consider several criteria...

Med MEETS Math
Room 2.4, DMUC, University of Coimbra
The M³ Med MEETS Math workshop is the first in a series of meetings aimed at promoting dialogue between specialists in the medical community and mathematicians. This is an initiative promoted by the Laboratory of Computational Mathematics (LCM) of the Centre for Mathematics of the...

Workshop on Efficient Simulation and Computation for Health, Sea and Industry
Room 2.5, Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra
The workshop will take place at Room 2.5 of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.  Look at for more information. ...

Workshop on Mathematics & Wild Fires
University of Coimbra
The Workshop on Mathematics & Wild Fires is a satellite event of the VIII International Conference on FOREST FIRE RESEARCH (Coimbra, Portugal, 10-16 November 2018). We invite all researchers interested in Mathematics and Wild Fires to participate in this workshop organised by CIM in...

Mobiwise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising -- midterm Workshop
University of Aveiro
MobiWise aims to enhance mobility in the cities, both for commuters and for tourists, through the development of a 5G platform that encompasses an access infrastructure filled with sensors, people and vehicles. The project will connect any sensor, person and vehicle, and will use all...

2018 Summer School in Computational Biology
University of Coimbra
This will be an introductory course targeted to students from the M. Sc. to post-doctoral levels with either biological or exact sciences backgrounds who wish to acquire skills in Computational Biology. It will have four components:   - Introductory lectures on mathematics and...

Portuguese Meeting on Optimal Control 2018
EPCO2018 will provide an opportunity to discuss the latest research and developments in optimal control and related fields. It aims to bring together researchers with different perspectives, working in mathematics or related application areas, such as engineering, economics or...

CIM-WIAS Workshop
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
A joint CIM-WIAS Workshop co-organised at the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, with the cooperation of CMAF_IO/ULisboa and CMUC/UCoimbra. This event will present and discuss current scientific interests among the research groups of the...

Making industry and research centers partnership work: a strategic collaboration
This workshop aims to address the challenge of bringing together the moulds industry and research centers. ...

Mathematics of Complex Systems: from precision medicine to smart cities
University of Coimbra
This workshop will be held in the framework of CoLAB, an initiative of the UT Austin - Portugal Program that seeks to enhance Portuguese scientific and technological capacity and to reinforce the international reach of leading Portuguese universities and scientific institutions. ...

MPI: Materials in Pharmaceutical Industry
Room 2.4 (DMUC)
MPI: Materials in Pharmaceutical Industry is a workshop focused on presenting to the scientific community recent advances and trends on material sciences focused on the pharmaceutical industry. The workshop will be held in November 16th 2016, at room 2.4 of DMUC. Program:16:00...

2016 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
DMat, University of Coimbra
Program: SEPTEMBER 5-9, COURSE ON DYNAMICS AND OPTIMIZATION: Short Course on Heteroclinic Dynamics by Professor Mike Field, Rice University (USA) and Imperial College (UK)  Short Course on Polynomial Optimization by Professor Rekha Thomas, University of Washington (USA)...

2016 Summer School in Computational Biology
University of Coimbra
This will be an introductory course targeted to students from the M. Sc. to post-doctoral levels with either biological or exact sciences backgrounds who wish to acquire skills in Computational Biology. It will have four components:   Introductory lectures on mathematics and...

ESGI 119 - Industry meets Mathematics
The 119th European Study Group with Industry will take place from June 27th to July 1st in Portugal, at the Porto Design Factory of Polytechnic of Porto. These meetings were created with the aim of renovating and reinforcing the links between Mathematics and Industry. This meeting is part...

MEDDS 2016 Workshop - Modelling and experiments in drug delivery systems
DMat, University of Coimbra
Mathematical modelling is playing an increasingly important role in the field of medicine through the use of models and numerical simulations. These models represent an extremely useful tool to complement theoretical and experimental work and provide personalised approaches for patient...

2015 Summer School in Computational Biology
University of Coimbra
This will be an introductory course targeted to students from the M. Sc. to post-doctoral levels with either biological or exact sciences backgrounds who wish to acquire skills in Computational Biology. It will have four components: - Introductory lectures on mathematics and physics...

ECMI Modelling Week 2015
IST, Lisbon
Between July 19 and July 26 2015, the Department of Mathematics of the IST-UL and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra organise the ECMI-Modelling Week 2015. This event will take place at the IST-UL and will gather more than 60 mathematics students from ECMI...

AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015
Each year the American Mathematical Society liaises with a host society from another country to organize a meeting, linking together members of the mathematical community from the US and abroad. The 2015 meeting will bring together the American Mathematical Society (AMS), the European...

109th European Study Group with Industry
Department of Production and Systems of the School of Engineering, University of Minho, Guimarães
The purpose of these meetings is to strengthen the links between Mathematics and Industry by using Mathematics to tackle industrial problems which are proposed by industrial partners. This meeting is part of the series of European Study Groups and will count with the participation of...

5th Iberian Mathematical Meeting
University of Aveiro
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, and Industrial Mathematics...

Optimization 2014 Conference
Engineering School, Azurém campus, University of Minho, Guimarães
Optimization 2014 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas and with distinct backgrounds, but with common interests in optimization. This meeting has international recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of ideas. It is the eighth...

101st European Study Group with Industry
Univ. Nova de Lisboa
The 101st European Study Group with Industry, will take place from May 5 to May 9 at the Mathematics Department of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. These meetings were created with the objective of renovating and reinforcing the links between...

ICCOPT 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Continuous Optimization
FCT - Universidade cNova de Lisboa
ICCOPT is a recognized forum of discussion and exchange of ideas for researchers and practitioners in continuous optimization, and one of the flagship conferences of the Mathematical Optimization Society. ICCOPT 2013 is organized by the Department of Mathematics of FCT, Universidade Nova...

92nd European Study Group with Industry
Coimbra Institute of Engeneering (Department of Mathematics and Physics , ISEC-DFM)
The purpose of these meetings is to strengthen the links between Mathematics and Industry by using Mathematics to tackle industrial problems which are proposed by industrial partners. This meeting is part of the series of European Study Groups and will count with the participation of...

Tarde de Matemática e Indústria
Auditorium of the Coimbra Engineering Institute

4th Porto Meeting on MATHEMATICS for INDUSTRY
University of Porto
The purpose of this meeting is to focus the attention on the many and varied opportunities to promote applications of mathematics to industrial problems.The meeting will be focused on short courses, of three one-hour lectures each, given by invited distinguished researchers, which are...

The 86th European Study Group with Industry
ISEP/IPP, School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto
The 85th European Study Group with Industry will be held from May 7 to May 11 2012 at ISEP, the School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, organized by the Laboratory of Engineering Mathematics (LEMA).This meeting is part of the series of European Study Groups and will count with the...

CIM Afternoon on Mathematical Aspects in BioEngineering
Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra
This session on Mathematical Aspects of BioEngineering is part of the 2nd Portuguese BioEngineering Meeting, organized at the University of Coimbra....

Advances and Directions in Numerics and Optimization Research Group

Workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media
The workshop on Fluid Dynamics in Porous Media is an initiative of the UT Austin | Portugal programme for Mathematics, in partnership with CMUC (Centre for Mathematics of University of Coimbra). The event focuses on mathematical models and numerical simulation in fluid dynamics in porous...

CMNE 2011 - Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering
FCTUC - University of Coimbra
The forthcoming Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - CMNE 2011 will take place in Coimbra (Portugal), from 14-17 June, and is organized by the APMTAC - Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional in association with SEMNI -...

Summer Course and Workshop on Optimization in Machine Learning
The University of Texas at Austin

(Semi)Definitely the Future!: Course on Semidefinite Optimization
Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas, Coimbra, Portugal
Semidefinite optimization is linear optimization over the positive definite matrices. This course will demonstrate its potential and its growing impact in a variety of applications, including discrete optimization and distance geometry problems. We will first provide a user-friendly...

Summer School and Workshop on Imaging Sciences and Medical Applications
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
The Summer School and Workshop on Imaging Sciences and Medical Applications is an initiative of the UT Austin | Portugal program, for Mathematics. It will take place at the DM-FCTUC (Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of...

1st Porto Meeting on Mathematics for Industry
Mathematics Department, University of Porto

Workshop on Computational Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra

Workshop on PDE Constrained Optimization

Workshop on Optimization in Medicine
IBILI, Univ. de Coimbra
Speaker(s): M. C. Ferris (University of Wisconsin), H. W. Hamacher (University of Kaiserslautern), L. D. Iasemidis (Arizona State University), J. P. Kaipio (University of Kuopio), E. K. Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology), A. Rangarajan (University of Florida) Area(s): ...

Workshop on Optimization in Finance
Faculdade de Economia
Speaker(s): J. R. Birge (University of Chicago), T. F. Coleman (Cornell University), H. Konno (Chuo University, Japan), J. M. Mulvey (Princeton University), R. T. Rockafellar (University of Washington), N. Touzi (CREST, France), S. A. Zenios (University of Cyprus) Area(s): ...

Computational Science Day
Sala Pedro Nunes
Speaker(s): Erik Elmroth (Department of Computing Science of Umeå University, Sweden), Beatrice Meini (Deppartment of Mathematics of the University of Pisa, Italy) Area(s): ...

Summer School on Discrete Mathematics
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Frank Harary, Louis Kauffman, Konrad Polthier Area(s): ...

Second Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization: "Theoretical Aspects of Surrogate Optimization"
Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas, Coimbra
Speaker(s): Mark Abramson, Charles Audet, John W. Bandler, Ruud Brekelmans, Thierry Dalon, John E. Dennis, Joerg Fliege, Anthony A. Giunta, C.T. Kelley, Kaj Madsen, C.J. Price, Jacob SÞndergaard Area(s): ...

Dia de Optimização Combinatória
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Ismael Regis de Farias Area(s): ...

School on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas
Speaker(s): Gerard Cornuéjols Area(s): ...

Spring School on Stochastic Optimization
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Dennis Bricker Area(s): ...

Teias Matemáticas, Frentes na Ciência e na Sociedade
Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Marco Avellaneda, José M.Bernardo, Barry Cipra, G. Bard Ermentrout, Michael F. Goodchild, David Holland, Guerino Mazzola, Alfio Quarteroni, Anthony J. Tromba Area(s): ...

Segundo Debate sobre a Investigação Matemática em Portugal
Hotel D. Luís, Coimbra
Speaker(s): José Reis, Luís Magalhães, Irene Fonseca, Cristina Sernadas, João Filipe Queiró, Jorge de Almeida, José Francisco Rodrigues, Ana Bela Cruzeiro, Pedro Freitas, Carlos Fiolhais, Sebastião Formosinho, Manuel Arala Chaves, Nuno Crato Area(s): ...

First Workshop on Nonlinear Optimization: "Interior-Point and Filter Methods"
Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas, Coimbra
Speaker(s): Charles Audet, Richard H. Byrd, Roger Fletcher, Jean Charles Gilbert, Philip E. Gill, Nick Gould, Matthias Heinkenschloss, Florian Jarre, Friedemann Leibfritz, Sven Leyffer, Yuying Li, Dominique Orban, Francisco J. Prieto, Cornelis Roos, David F. Shanno, Philippe Toint, Paul...

Numerical Methods in Biomathematics
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): E.H. Twizell Area(s): ...

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