15th International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data
DMUC, University of Coimbra
Continuing the series of Conferences in Mysore, India (2000), Warsaw, Poland (2002-04), Izmir, Turkey (2005), Mashad, Iran (2006), Amman, Jordan (2007), Aachen, Germany (2008), Zagazig, Egypt (2010), Murcia, Spain (2012), Będlewo, Poland (2014), Piraeus, Greece (2016), Cadiz, Spain...
2017 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
DMat, University of Porto
Programme Committee: Jorge Freitas, Helena Reis, Carlos Tenreiro, José Miguel Urbano. More information: here. ...
109th European Study Group with Industry
Department of Production and Systems of the School of Engineering, University of Minho, Guimarães
The purpose of these meetings is to strengthen the links between Mathematics and Industry by using Mathematics to tackle industrial problems which are proposed by industrial partners. This meeting is part of the series of European Study Groups and will count with the participation of...
Workshop on Statistics and Inference - celebrating the sixtieth birthday of Nazaré Mendes Lopes
This workshop gives us the opportunity to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of Nazaré Mendes Lopes, one of the founding members of the Probability and Statistics group at the University of Coimbra. Nazaré Mendes Lopes played an essential role in the creation and establishment...
Tarde de Matemática e Indústria
Auditorium of the Coimbra Engineering Institute
XVIII Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística
Hotel do Parque, S. Pedro do Sul
O XVIII Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística decorrerá entre 29 de Setembro e 2 de Outubro de 2010 em S. Pedro do Sul. A organização está a cargo da SPE, Universidade de Coimbra e Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto...
Workshop on Nonparametric Inference - WNI2008
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
Carla Henriques
Carlos Tenreiro
Paulo Eduardo Oliveira
Antonio Cuevas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain.
Emmanuel CandÚs, California Institute of Technology, USA.
Enno Mammen, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany.
Lászlo Györfi, Budapest...
Stochastic Finance 2004 - International Conference
ISEG, Lisbon
Speaker(s): Albert Shiryaev (Steklov Math. Institute and Moscow State Univ., Russia); Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (Dep. Math. Sc., Univ. Aarhus, Denmark); Hans Föllmer (Institut Math., Humboldt Univ. Berlin, Germany); Tomas Björk (Dep. Finance, Stockholm School of Economics,...
Stochastic Finance 2004 - Autumn School
CIM, Coimbra
There will be five courses covering some basic theoretical aspects of financial mathematics as well as some applications arising from business problems: Introduction to stochastic differential equations; Arbitrage theory in continuous time; Extremes and risk management; Risk management;...
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