38th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications
This is the 38th conference in the series Summer Conferences on Topology and its Applications (SUMTOPO). Earlier installments of this conference have been organized in Youngstown, Ohio (2023), Vienna, Austria (2022), Johannesburg, South Africa (2019), Bowling Green, Kentucky...
Conference on Theoretical and Computational Algebra 2024
Univ. Aveiro
The Conference on Theoretical and Computational Algebra 2024 will be held at the University of Aveiro, in Aveiro, Portugal, from Sunday 30, June, to Friday 5, July 2024.
We are delighted to announce that the upcoming 2024 Conference on Theoretical and Computational Algebra will...
International Category Theory Conference CT2024
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
The International Category Theory Conference CT2024 will take place at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on June 23rd-29th, 2024.
The last five CT conferences were held at Louvain-la-Neuve (2023), Genova (2021), Edinburgh (2019), Ponta Delgada...
XIV Portuguese Category Seminar
DMUC, University of Coimbra
The fourteenth edition of the Portuguese Category Seminar will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra on October 13-14, 2023.
Attendance is free, however all participants are asked to register, indicating name and affiliation, by sending an email to...
A day on Pointfree Topology
Sala 2.5, DMUC
This is a one-day workshop on Pointfree Topology, one of the main research areas of the group in Algebra, Logic and Topology, on the occasion of Jorge Picado's 60th birthday.
Room 2.5, DMUC
More information at
TACL 2021-22 Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic
University of Coimbra
This is the tenth conference in the series Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic (TACL, formerly TANCL).Earlier instalments of this conference have been organized in Tbilisi (2003), Barcelona (2005), Oxford (2007), Amsterdam (2009), Marseille (2011), Nashville (2013), Ischia (2015),...
TACL 2021-22 Summer School
Aparthotel Mira Villas
The summer school associated to the TACL 2021-22 conference will be held in Mira, a seaside village near Coimbra. Tentative dates: 13/06/2022 - 18/06/2022, lunchtime....
CatAlg2022: Fifth Workshop on Categorical Algebra
Gargnano del Garda, Brescia, Italy
Despite the high level of uncertainty determined by the pandemic worldwide, we are organizing the Fifth Workshop on Categorical Algebra: CatAlg2022 "Recent developments and future perspectives", that will take place in Gargnano (Garda lake), April 26th-30th, 2022. The scientific...
XIII Portuguese Category Seminar
Room 2.5, DMUC
The XIII edition of the Portuguese Category Seminar will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra on February 25, 2022. Attendance is free, however all participants are asked to register, indicating name and affiliation, by sending an email to...
Meeting on the Scientific Heritage of the Coimbra Group Universities
UCLouvain, Belgium
This seminar is the closing event of the Project "Attractivité internationale et collaborations de recherche dans le cadre du Coimbra group", 22|10|2021UCLouvain, Belgium | Auditoire Charles de...
XII Portuguese Category Seminar
Sala 2.5, DMat UC
The twelfth edition of the Portuguese Category Seminar will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra on September 17, 2019. Attendance is free, however all participants are asked to register, indicating name and affiliation, by sending an email to...
Summer School in Algebra and Topology
Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
The second Summer School in Algebra and Topology will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve from Wednesday 11 September (starting at 9 a.m.) to Saturday 14 September 2019 (at 12.30). The invited speakers of the Summer School will be professors Silvana Bazzoni (University of Padova), Marino...
Portuguese Workshop on Semigroups
The Portuguese Workshop on Semigroups was designed for the Portuguese community of semigroups and other mathematicians. The participation of anyone is an asset to the meeting. The workshop aims to bring together people interested in semigroups and related topics during three...
Workshop on Algebra, Logic and Topology
DMat, UC
This is a workshop organised by the research group in Algebra, Logic and Topology of CMUC in honour of Aleš Pultr, on the occasion of his 80th birthday....
Summer School in Algebra and Topology
Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium
A "Summer School in Algebra and Topology" will take place at the Universite catholique de Louvain, from Wednesday 12 September to Saturday 15 September, 2018.The speakers will be professors Maria Manuel Clementino (, Alberto Facchini...
Category Theory 2018
Ponta Delgada, Açores
The 2018 International Category Theory Conference will take place at the University of Azores, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), from Sunday, 8 July, till Saturday, 14 July 2018. Organizing Committee: Margarida Raposo, Paula Garrão (Univ. Açores) Maria Manuel Clementino, Jorge...
Tarde de Álgebra - dedicada a Graciano Neves de Oliveira, por ocasião do seu 80.º aniversário
Sala 2.4, DMat UC
Quarta-feira, 16 de Maio de 2018 Sala 2.4 - DMUC 15h00 - 15h40: Natália Bebiano (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) - Approximations for von Neumann and Rényi entropies of graphs using the Euler-Maclaurin formula 15h40 - 16h20: António Leal Duarte (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) - Multiple...
Topology Seminar
Room 5.5 DMat
(Algebra, Logic and Topology Group) 14:00-14:30 Dirk Hofmann (CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro), Hausdorff and Vietoris combined 14:30-15:00 Willian Ribeiro (CMUC), Weak cartesian closedness in Top and (T,V)-Cat 15:00-16:00 break (Colloquium of the Department) 16:00-16:30...
Category Theory 2017
UBC, Vancouver, Canada
The next International Category Theory Conference will take place at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), from Sunday, 16 July, till Saturday, 22 July 2017.The CMUC group of Algebra, Logic and Topology is involved in its organization....
XI Portuguese Category Seminar
Room Pedro Nunes, DMat, UC
The eleventh edition of the Portuguese Category Seminar will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra on June 9, 2017. Attendance is free, however all participants are asked to register, indicating name and affiliation, by sending an email to not...
5th Workshop on Categorical Methods in Non-Abelian Algebra
The aim of this Workshop is to promote discussion and exchange of ideas between researchers working on Categorical Algebra. Participants are warmly invited to present talks....
Tarde de Álgebra - dedicada a Eduardo Marques de Sá, por ocasião do seu 70º aniversário
Sexta-feira, 2 de Dezembro de 2016 - Sala 5.5 - DMUC 15h00 - 15h45: Fernando Conceição Silva (CEAFEL, Univ. Lisboa) - Sobre as desigualdades de entrelaçamento de Sá-Thompson em anéis15h45 - 16h30: Olga Azenhas (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) - Factores...
Workshop on Dualities - 2016
Room 2.4, DMat, University of Coimbra
The aim of this Workshop is to gather researchers interested on Duality Theory in Algebra, Logic and Topology.Invited Speakers:Marcel Erné, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany)Dirk Hofmann, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)Vincenzo Marra, Università degli Studi di...
2016 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
DMat, University of Coimbra
Program: SEPTEMBER 5-9, COURSE ON DYNAMICS AND OPTIMIZATION: Short Course on Heteroclinic Dynamics by Professor Mike Field, Rice University (USA) and Imperial College (UK) Short Course on Polynomial Optimization by Professor Rekha Thomas, University of Washington (USA)...
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
DMat, University of Coimbra
IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all aspects of automated reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications, comprising several leading conferences and workshops.Previous conferences were held in Vienna, Austria, 2014; Manchester, United Kingdom,...
CSA 2016 - International Conference on Semigroups and Automata 2016
Univ. Lisbon
Celebrating the 60th birthday of Jorge Almeida and Gracinda Gomes Jorge Almeida (University of Porto) and Gracinda Gomes (University of Lisbon) have played a major role in the development of semigroups in Portugal. They will both be 60 years old in 2016, and a conference is being...
4th Workshop on Categorical Methods in Non-Abelian Algebra
DMat, University of Coimbra
The aim of this Workshop is to promote discussion and exchange of ideas between researchers working on Categorical Algebra.In case you want to participate please send a message to, as soon as possible, and not later than April 30, 2016.Participants are warmly invited to...
Homological algebra for monoids and semimodules
Sala 5.5
A short course in Homological Algebra, given by Alex Patchkoria (A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of Tbilisi State University, Georgia), Manuela Sobral (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra), Andrea Montoli (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) and Nelson Martins-Ferreira (IPLeiria)....
CT2015 - International Category Theory Conference
University of Aveiro
The annual meeting of the Category Theory community will be held in Aveiro, Portugal, 14–19 June 2015. Contributed talks in all aspects of Category Theory are welcome and submission of work on applications, as well as on foundations, is especially encouraged. The scientific...
Workshop on Groups and Semigroups - on the occasion of the 60th birthday of Mikhail Volkov
University of Porto
The workshop is intended to provide an opportunity to discuss recent developments about groups and semigroups and to promote joint research in these fields. This event is associated with the 60th birthday of Mikhail Volkov, being an occasion to celebrate Misha's mathematical achievements...
3rd Workshop on Categorical Methods in Non-Abelian Algebra
Institute de Recherche en Mathématique et Physique, Université catholique de Louvain
The aim of this Workshop is to promote discussion and exchange of ideas between researchers working on Categorical Algebra.Although it is part of the project "Categorical Methods in Non Abelian Algebra", we welcome external participants....
X Portuguese Category Seminar
Room 2.4 - DMUC
The tenth edition of the PCS will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra on September 9, 2014. If you intend to particiate, please send a message to, not later than September 5. ...
Jubilação da Professora Manuela Sobral
PROGRAMA DO EVENTO COMEMORATIVO DA JUBILAÇÃO DA PROFESSORA MANUELA SOBRAL 30 de Maio de 2014 Sala Pedro Nunes, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra. 16:00 Introdução 16:10 Última lição de Teoria de Categorias pela...
Workshop on Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology
Room 2.4 - DMUC
IX Portuguese Category Seminar
Room 2.4 - DMUC
The ninth edition of the PCS will be held at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra on July 1, 2013. If you intend to particiate, please send a message to, not later than June 28....
1st Workshop on Categorical Methods in Non-Abelian Algebra
Mathematical Ideals in Coimbra
A short course in Universal Algebra (4 lectures), presented by Aldo Ursini (Univ. degli studi di Siena, Italy). ...
Workshop on Category Theory
Conference in honour of George Janelidze, on the occasion of his 60th birthday ...
Categorical methods in non-abelian algebra
First session of the seminar of the FCT project "Categorical methods in non-abelian algebra"...
CT2011- International Category Theory Conference
UBC, Vancouver
This is the annual meeting of the Category Theory community....
VIII Portuguese Category Seminar
Room 2.4 (DMUC)
This is the eighth edition of the Portuguese Category Seminar....
Dynamical Aspects of Automata and Semigroup Theories
Technische Universität Wien
The goal of the workshop is to have advanced discussions on recent developments in Automata and Semigroup Theories related with dynamical systems. It is a satellite (but independent) workshop of the conference Highlights of AutoMathA....
VII Portuguese Category Seminar
Workshop on Categorical Topology
University of Azores, Ponta Delgada
In honour of Eraldo Giuli, on the occasion of his 70th birthday....
CSL 09 - 18th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic
Mathematics Department, University of Coimbra
Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science....
VI Portuguese Category Seminar
Mathematics Department
This is the sixth edition of the (annual) Portuguese Category Seminar...
International Conference on Semigroups and related topics
University of Porto
V Portuguese Category Seminar
2.4 - Departamento de Matemática
Speaker(s): This is the fifth edition of the (annual) Portuguese Category Seminar. Area(s): Category Theory, Algebra, Logic, Topology ...
Lecture mini-series: "Open problems in semi-abelian categorical algebra"
Speaker(s): George Janelidze (Univ. Cape Town, South Africa) Area(s): ...
Categorical Methods in Algebra, Topology and Computer Science
University of Coimbra
Workshop in honour of Jiří Adámek and Walter Tholen, on the occasion of their sixtieth birthday Speaker(s): Workshop in honour of Jiří Adámek and Walter Tholen, on the occasion of their sixtieth birthday Area(s): Algebra, Category Theory, Computer Science, Logic, Topology ...
Category Theory 2007
Hotel Almansor - Carvoeiro
Speaker(s): International Category Theory Conference. Previous meetings in this series were held in White Point (2006), Vancouver (2004), Como (2000), Coimbra (1999), Vancouver (1997), Halifax (1995), Tours (1994), Isle of Thorns (1992), Montreal (1991) and Como (1990). Area(s): ...
Portuguese Category Seminar
Sala 2.5
Speaker(s): Francis Borceux (Univ. Catholique de Louvain), Carlos Caleiro (IST), Marino Gran (Univ. Littoral, Calais), Gonçalo Gutierres (Univ. Coimbra), Dirk Hofmann (Univ. Aveiro), Marco Mackaay, Diana Rodelo (Univ. Algarve), Ana Helena Roque (Univ. Aveiro), Amílcar Sernadas (IST),...
Simpósio de Matemática: Centenário do nascimento de Kurt Gödel
Sala Pedro Nunes, 14:00-18:00
Kurt Gödel é o lógico matemático mais famoso do século passado. Neste simpósio abordam-se vários aspectos da vida deste matemático ímpar e do seu legado científico. Serão discutidos, de um modo acessível,...
Days in Logic '06
Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra
This meeting aims at bringing together mathematicians and computer scientists from Portugal (but also elsewhere) with interests in Logic. It is specially directed to graduate students. It consists of four introductory courses and a small section for contributed talks. Speaker(s): Invited...
Intensive Course on Functorial Quasi-uniformities on Spaces
Sala 5.5
Speaker(s): Guillaume Brummer (Univ. Cape Town) Area(s): ...
Category Theory Seminar
Sala 5.5
Speaker(s): Dominique Bourn (Univ. Calais), Maria Manuel Clementino, Lurdes Sousa, Isar Stubbe, Enrico Vitale (Univ. Catholique Louvain) Area(s): Category Theory ...
81st Peripatetic Seminar on Sheaves and Logic
Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Area(s): ...
Workshop on Categorical Methods in Algebra, Topology and Logic
Sala 5.5
Speaker(s): Area(s): ...
Category Theory Seminar
Sala 2.3
Speaker(s): Maria Manuel Clementino, Horst Herrlich (Univ. Bremen), Dirk Hofmann (U. Aveiro), George Janelidze (Univ. Cape Town), Paulo Mateus (IST), Jorge Picado, João Rasga (IST), Pedro Resende (IST), Manuela Sobral, Lurdes Sousa, João Xarez (U. Aveiro) Area(s): Category Theory ...
Category Theory Seminar
Sala 5.5
Speaker(s): Francis Borceux (Univ. Catholique de Louvain/CMUC),
Maria Manuel Clementino (UC),
George Janelidze (Georgian Academy of Sciencies, Tbilisi, Georgia/U. Aveiro),
Nelson Martins-Ferreira (IP Leiria)
Paulo Mateus (IST),
Jaime Ramos (IST),
Ana Helena Roque (U....
Workshop on Algebraic Homotopy, Galois Theory and Descent
Sala 5.5
Speaker(s): R. Brown (Univ. Wales, Bangor, UK),
D. Hofmann (U. Aveiro),
G. Janelidze (Georgian Acad. Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia),
T. Porter (Univ. Wales, Bangor, UK),
A. H. Roque (U. Aveiro),
M. Sobral (UC),
J. Xarez (U. Aveiro) Area(s): Category Theory ...
IV Iberoamerican Conference on Topology and its Applications
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Bernhard Banaschewski,
Marcel Erné,
Manuel Sanchis,
Manuela Sobral,
Franklin D. Tall,
Artur H. Tomita,
F. Javier Trigos-Arrieta,
Jorge Vielma Area(s): Topology, Category Theory ...
Category Theory 99
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra
Speaker(s): Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Some logical properties of local maps of toposes Michael Batanin (Macquarie University, Australia), Operads in higher dimensional category theory Carsten Butz (McGill University, Canada), Bernays-Gödel type theory Pilar...
School on Category Theory and Applications
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
Speaker(s): n-Categories by John Baez (University of California at Riverside, USA) Algebraic Theories by M. Cristina Pedicchio (University of Trieste, Italy) Chu Spaces: duality as a common foundation for computation and mathematics by Vaughan Pratt (Stanford University, USA) Area(s):...
Workshop dos Projectos ACL/LOGCOMP
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra
Speaker(s): Area(s): Category Theory, Logic and Computation ...
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