FCT Call for Applications for Exploratory Research Projects in all Scientific Fields 2024
From December 19, 2024, until February 25, 2025, applications are invited to Call for Exploratory Research Projects in all Scientific Fields 2024.
The aim of this Call is to fund exploratory projects (PEX) in all scientific fields, with a special focus on innovative proposals aimed at...
Featured ECMI Node: Coimbra
In this second half of January, Coimbra is featured (again) in the ECMI blog: https://ecmiindmath.org....
Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
Coimbra Mathematical Texts - new volume: Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions, edited by Kenier Castillo and Antonio J. Durán.
Part of the Springer book series: Coimbra Mathematical Texts (CMT, volume 3) ...
DSABNS2025 - Minisymposium organized by CMUC researchers
16th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, 20-24 January 2025, Naples, Italy
MS03: Differential Equations in Biomedicine: Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Parameter Optimization and Numerical Analysis
Organizers: Giuseppe Romanazzi (Universidade...
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
11 janeiro 2025, Como manipular eleições e ganhar tudoAna Rita Pires (Univ. Edinburgh, UK)
Nesta conversa vamos perceber como não são só os votos, mas também o design da eleição, que influenciam o resultado final. Falaremos de vários designs eleitorais: pluralidade (que usamos...
PhD Defence
Rafael Henriques - Numerical methods for the robust reconstruction of elasticity14:30 - Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, DMUCJanuary 6, 2025...
Manual of Inclusive Communication in Investigation
A manual for inclusive communication in research is one of the tools created as part of the GendER@UC EEA Grants project, which the University of Coimbra (UC) has developed over the last three years.
The project team has also produced a set of...
New book: A First Course on Orthogonal Polynomials
A new book authored by CMUC researchers, to appear in November 2024
A First Course on Orthogonal PolynomialsClassical Orthogonal Polynomials and Related TopicsBy Kenier Castillo, and José Carlos Petronilho
CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, New York, 2024.
A First Course on Orthogonal...
Learning seminar on the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser
Thursdays 14:30-16:30
Room: 5.5 (DMUC)
There will be a learning seminar on the inverse function theorem of Nash and Moser starting this semester at the Department of Mathematics: In this weekly learning seminar we will study Hamilton's paper: Richard S....
Portuguese-Polish Online Analysis Seminars
The Portuguese-Polish Online Analysis Seminars are an initiative of the Portuguese Group on Special Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Applications and the University of Warsaw.
The seminars are organized by Kenier Castillo (CMUC) in collaboration with Galina Filipuk from the...
Seminar of the Portuguese Group on Special Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
The purpose of this group is to promote, in Portugal, the research in Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials and their relation with close fields such as Approximation Theory, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, and Matrix Analysis; and to encourage and support the exchange of information,...
FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 7th Edition
The opening notice for the 2024 Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus is available at
The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in any...
Olimpíadas Ibero-americanas de Matemática Universitárias 2024
A 27.ª edição das Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática Universitárias (OIAMU) realiza-se no próximo dia 23 de novembro, 14:00. A prova, que terá a duração de cinco horas, decorrerá na Universidade do Porto, na Universidade de Coimbra e no Instituto Superior Técnico.
As inscrições para...
Canto Délfico: A fórmula de Legendre para fatoriais
Coluna da Escola Delfos na Gazeta de Matemática:
O Teorema de Minkowski, por Alfredo Costa (CMUC)
Gazeta de Matemática 203 (2024) 8-11...
Start of the new academic year of DELFOS SCHOOL
The new Delphic year starts on October 19 with the first internship for students of the Delfos School (weekend 19-20 October, students from Year 9 to Year 12) and with the first session of Delfos Júnior (aimed at students from Year 5 to Year 8).
For more information about the schedule of...
ECMI 2024 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and Infty invite teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2024 Student Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or economic...
Novos Talentos Científicos - Matemática
As Bolsas Gulbenkian Novos Talentos apoiam anualmente estudantes excecionais no ensino superior português, promovendo o seu talento e estimulando a iniciação à investigação. Estas bolsas são dirigidas a alunos no 2.º, 3.º ou 4.º ano de cursos de licenciatura ou de mestrado integrado, ou...
Galois Theories of Fields and Rings
Coimbra Mathematical Texts - new volume: Galois Theories of Fields and Rings, by Francis Borceux
Part of the Springer book series: Coimbra Mathematical Texts (CMT, volume 2)
This textbook arises from a master's course taught...
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
14 setembro 2024, Alice do outro lado do espelhoAdérito Araújo (CMUC, DM-FCTUC)
A teoria da relatividade tem mais de um século e ainda não nos habituamos a ela. Mais de cem anos não foi tempo suficiente para alterar os hábitos do nosso pensamento. Durante bastantes anos...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics - applications for the 2024/2025 edition
The third call for applications for the new edition of the PhD Program in Mathematics UC|UP (lectures start in October 2024) will be open from September 2, 2024 - September 13, 2024.
Applications online here: https://inforestudante.uc.pt/nonio/security/login.do
More information at the...
PhD Defence
Vincenzo Bianca - Contributions to regularity theory in the calculus of variations14:30 - Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, DMUCSeptember 6, 2024...
Canto Délfico: A fórmula de Herão
Coluna da Escola Delfos na Gazeta de Matemática:
A fórmula de Herão, por Alfredo Costa (CMUC)
Gazeta de Matemática 202 (2024) 9-11...
Universidade de Verão 2024
The Summer University 2024, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC), will take place from the 21st to the 26th of July. This is an event for high school students. Throughout the event, they will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogical and cultural activities that...
ECM2024 - Minisymposia organized by CMUC researchers
Mathematical Modelling in Life SciencesOrganizers: Adérito Araújo (CMUC), Andrea Pugliese (University of Trento, Italy)
Towards the regularity theory, PDEs free boundaries and interfacesOrganizers: Edgard Pimentel (CMUC), Makson Santos (IST, Lisbon)...
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
13 julho 2024, Matemática, a linguagem da Natureza Jorge Picado (CMUC, DM-FCTUC)
Resumo: A Matemática é a linguagem da Natureza. Nas palavras de Galileu (1623), "O Livro da Natureza, que permanece continuamente aberto diante dos nossos olhos, está escrito em linguagem...
An international tender to fill 1 vacancy for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 27/06/2024]. The stated position will...
Coimbra Undergraduate Research Workshop on Mathematics
Thursday, 27 June 2024, Sala 2.4 DMUC
Final meeting of CMUC's 2023/24 Research Initiation fellows
14:30: Tiago Correia, Finite Sets.
15:00: Luísa Capelo, What is Khovanov homology?
15:30: Dantas Serra, Representation Theory and the Saxl Conjecture.
16:00: Coffee Break....
Research Seminar Program - UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
Spring session: Monday 17 June, Coimbra
9:30 - 9:45: Reception
9:45 - 10:30: Nirina Albert RazafimandimbyStrong Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence10:45 - 11:30: João Manuel Silva MatiasFrom decay of correlations to recurrence times in systems with contracting...
Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - June 7, 2024
Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - Trends and Challenges
In recent years, the intersection of mathematics and agriculture has emerged as a pivotal domain, offering innovative solutions to address pressing challenges in both environmental, sustainability and economic viability....
Learning seminar on contact Hamiltonian Systems
The purpose of this seminar is to study basic notions of contact geometry and contact Hamiltonian systems. Hamilton's equations are more known in the context of symplectic geometry, where they model conservative mechanical systems. Through contact geometry, we will see how to account...
Topics in the History of Science
A series of lectures on the History of Science by
Claude Brezinski and Michela Redivo-Zaglia
Aim: to provide attendees knowledge about the historical roots, birth, and early developments of some subjects in sciences. Science is built up by women and men and since their work is...
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares, 11 de maio
11 maio 2024,
Matemática e Desporto, magias que se encontram
Graça Mendes (CMUC, DM-FCTUC) Horário: 15h
Local: Exploratório - Centro Ciência Viva de Coimbra
Entrada livrewww.spm.pt/centro/eventos_centro...
Geometry Meetings II - May 10, 2024
Place: Room 5.5, Department of Mathematics, Coimbra
Time: May 10, from 11:30 to 17:00
Speakers and schedule:
11:30 - 12:30 Gonçalo Oliveira, IST
Deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills: an example
14:30 - 15:30 Lucile Vandembroucq, Univ. Minho
On the (higher) topological...
Como a matemática pode salvar a tua vida - 10 de maio
Ao final da tarde... Uma conversa com Adérito Araújo (CMUC)
10 de maio, 17:00, Centro Cirúrgico de Coimbra
Resumo: A matemática pode salvar a tua vida? A resposta é sim, claro que sim! Nesta conversa vamos descrever algumas aplicações da matemática a problemas que são vitais para a saúde...
Lição Delfos - 4 de maio
Um passeio pelo estudo das equações Diofantinas
Ariel Martín Pacetti (Universidade de Aveiro)
O estudo das chamadas equações Diofantinas é provavelmente um dos mais antigos da matemática, e é um problema central dentro da "Teoria dos Números". O objetivo principal da...
FCT 2024 call for PhD Studentships
The call is open from March 18th to 5:00 pm (Lisbon time) April 18th, 2024.
More information:
Bolsas de Investigação
A Universidade de Coimbra abre concurso para atribuição de seis bolsas de investigação, no âmbito da unidade de I&D CMUC, com a referência UIDP/00324/2020 e com o título Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra, financiado através da FCT/MCTES através de fundos nacionais...
Canto Délfico: O Teorema de Minkowski
Coluna da Escola Delfos na Gazeta de Matemática:
O Teorema de Minkowski, por Alfredo Costa (CMUC)
Gazeta de Matemática 201 (2023) 7-13...
Workshop Novos Talentos em Matemática
2nd workshop: March 23, 2024, online.
9:15 - 09:30 Abertura
09:30 - 09:45 - Rafael Moreira (2.º ano FC/UP): Polinómios sobre anéis não comutativos
09:50 - 10:05 - Dantas Serra (3.º ano FCT/UC): Uma abordagem à conjectura de Saxl
10:10 - 10:25 - João Vital (3.º ano...
PALESTRA: Um conto de cabras
FINAL das Olimpíadas Nacionais de Matemática
24 de março de 2024, 10:30
Orador convidado: Adérito Araújo (CMUC) - "Um conto de cabras".
FCT: Launch of 2 Calls for R&D projects in all scientific domains
The opening notices for the two Calls R&D Projects in all Scientific Domains are now available: scientific research and technological development projects (IC&DT) and exploratory projects (PeX). With an overall budget of 140 million euros and a forecast of support for more than 880...
The University of Coimbra opens a call for four postdoctoral research fellowships, in the framework of the Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (reference: UIDP/00324/2020).
Scientific area: Mathematics.
Duration: 6 months.
Canguru Matemático 2024
As inscrições das escolas estão abertas até ao dia 10 de março.
A data oficial é dia 21 de março de 2024
Página oficial: www.mat.uc.pt/canguru
Treina com o nosso Quiz
Divulgue o QRCode do quiz!
Matemática e grandes obras de Arte
Esta é a terceira edição do concurso "Matemática e..." organizada pela Delegação Regional do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática em conjunto com o Departamento de Matemática da FCTUC e o Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra.
Fazer matemática requer imaginação e...
Dia Internacional da Matemática
No ano de 2019, por iniciativa da União Internacional de Matemática, 14 de março foi proclamado, pela UNESCO, Dia Internacional da Matemática.
Mais uma vez este ano o Departamento de Matemática, o Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra e a Delegação Regional do Centro da Sociedade...
XLII Portuguese Mathematical Olympiad (2023/24)
Calendário para as categorias B (10.º, 11.º e 12.º anos), A (8.º e 9.º anos), Júnior (6.º e 7.º anos) e Pré-Olimpíadas (5.º ano):
1.ª eliminatória - 8 de novembro de 2023.2.ª eliminatória - 10 de janeiro de 2024.Final Nacional - 21 a 24 de março de 2023, no Agrupamento de Escolas Dr....
A consciência também é matemática
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
A consciência também é matemáticaFaz de conta ou dá-se conta: as teorias matemáticas da nossa percepção de...
O que é racionalidade?
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
O que é racionalidade? Talvez seja só um nome pra uma coisa que não entendemos bem.
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
13 janeiro 2024,
As mulheres matemáticas mais antigas da história: Enheduanna, Aganice e Teano, entre a Babilónia, o Egito e a Grécia
Jaime Carvalho e Silva (CMUC, DM-FCTUC) Resumo: Hipátia de Alexandria é considerada por muitos autores como sendo a primeira mulher matemática do mundo....
PhD Defences
Hugo Peña Gomez - Coupling light propagation and diffusion in drug delivery: a mathematical approach15:00 - Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, DMUCDecember 6, 2023
Beatriz Santos - Comparability between different systems: star-shaped and convex transform orders10:00 - Sala José...
Bolsas de iniciação à investigação
A Universidade de Coimbra abre concurso para atribuição de 2 bolsas de iniciação à investigação, no âmbito do Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra (ref. UIDP/00324/2020), financiado através da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/MCTES - fundos nacionais (PIDDAC).
Duração da...
Call for one Research Fellowship
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra will open soon a call for one research scholarship, for students enrolled in the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics under the supervision of a CMUC researcher.
The call is open from December 5 till December 20, 2023.
Workshop Novos Talentos em Matemática
1.º workshop: 15-17 de dezembro de 2023, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
Programa detalhado do dia 16 de dezembro
9:00 - Apresentação9:30 - João Araújo (Professor na Univ. Nova de Lisboa): Título: Matemáticos de Função...
Palestra de divulgação: "Como escapar de uma masmorra"
13 de Dezembro, 14:30, Sala 2.4 DMUC.
Inês Guimarães (MATHGURL)
Título: Como escapar de uma masmorraResumo: Imagina que ficas preso numa masmorra e tens acesso a um mapa que assinala as passagens entre as diferentes celas. Apenas uma das celas te conduz à liberdade,...
Applications to FCT Call for R&D projects in all scientific domains to take place in November
An FCT call for I&D projects in all scientific areas will be open from 01 to 30 of November, 2023.
Diga-me quem premias e te direi quem és
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Diga-me quem premias e te direi quem ésMais do que valorizar o trabalho de um indivíduo, prêmios como o Nobel sinalizam apostas da comunidade...
Canto Délfico: Ternos pitagóricos e tijolos de Euler
Coluna da Escola Delfos na Gazeta de Matemática:
Ternos pitagóricos e tijolos de Euler, por Alfredo Costa (CMUC)
Gazeta de Matemática 200 (2023) 13-17
Olimpíadas Ibero-americanas de Matemática Universitárias 2023
A 26.ª edição das Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática Universitárias (OIAMU) realiza-se no próximo dia 25 de novembro. A prova, que terá a duração de cinco horas, decorrerá na Universidade do Porto, na Universidade de Coimbra e no Instituto Superior Técnico.
As inscrições para...
Start of the new academic year of DELFOS SCHOOL
The new Delphic year starts on October 21 with the first internship for students of the Delfos School (weekend 21-22 October, students from Year 9 to Year 12) and with the first session of Delfos Júnior (aimed at students from Year 5 to Year 8).
For more information about the schedule of...
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
11 novembro 2023
Dinâmicas de multidões: a passo de caracol e a alta velocidade
Sílvia Barbeiro (CMUC, DM-FCTUC)
Resumo: O planeamento de maratonas que atraem vários milhares de participantes apresenta desafios de eficiência e segurança. A última coisa que tanto os organizadores como os...
Como a matemática explica as cidades
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Como a matemática explica as cidadesSe uma população dobra de tamanho, a criminalidade também dobra? E os postos de...
O que é contar?
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
O que é contar?Matematicamente falando, parece simples, mas é mais complexo do que pensamos
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
9 setembro 2023 Polígonos, Poliedros, Polítopos João Gouveia (CMUC, DM-FCTUC)
Resumo: Polígonos e poliedros são objetos geométricos básicos, que desde a antiguidade fascinam gerações de matemáticos. Nesta apresentação falaremos de alguns dos resultados mais importantes na história do estudo...
Enumath 2023 - Minisymposia organized by CMUC researchers
Enumath 2023, Lisboa, September 4-8, 2023.
Diseases, Diagnosis, Treatment: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical AnalysisOrganizers: Elías Gudino (UFPR, Brazil), Giuseppe Romanazzi (UNICAMP, Brazil), José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC)
Numerical methods for fractional‐derivative...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics - 2023/2024 edition
APPLICATIONS 2023/2024For the 2023/2024 edition of the UC | UP PhD program in Mathematics (PIUDM), there will be 3 application calls. The first will be open between the 16th of January of 2023 and the 21st of April of 2023. The second call will be open between the 27th of June of 2023 and...
CMUC acolhe a reunião anual da Comissão Nacional de Matemática
A reunião da Comissão Nacional de Matemática (CNM), realizar-se-á no dia 4 de Setembro, no Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra.O Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra será o anfitrião da reunião .
Agenda da reunião:
12h00: Encontro na Sala dos Professores (5º...
Portuguese Group on Special Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
The purpose of this Group is to promote, in Portugal, the research in Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials and their relation with close fields such as Approximation Theory, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, and Matrix Analysis; and to encourage and support the exchange of information,...
Exhibition - Women of Mathematics from around the world: a gallery of portraits
Venue: Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, 2nd floor.
Entering the field of mathematics can be tough, and women often encounter specific obstacles. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the world of mathematics through photographs (by Noel Tovia Matoff) and excerpts from 23...
Universidade de Verão 2023
The Summer University 2023, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC), will take place from the 23rd to the 28th of July. This is an event for high school students. Throughout the event, they will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogic and cultural activities that will...
Números de Ramsey: menor do que isto, maior do que aquilo
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Números de Ramsey: menor do que isto, maior do que aquilo Das redes sociais à comunicação, o impacto do avanço de um teorema...
Mini-course on Viscosity Solutions
There will be an introductory mini-course on the theory of viscosity solutions, to be held at the Department of Mathematics, next July. Sessions will occur on July 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, in Room 2.2.
The basic reference for the mini-course is the set of lecture...
Palestra na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
No dia 29 de Junho, pelas 15h, o Doutor Eduardo Marques de Sá apresentará uma palestra na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa com o título "Geodésicas e pontos mais afastados em prismas e cilindros" (resumo em anexo).
É possível assistir através do link...
CMUC Young Researchers 2022/23
Final presentations of CMUC 2022/23 young researchers.
Wednesday, 28 June, 15:30, Room 2.4
Beatriz Ferreira: Diversos olhares sobre os inteiros profinitos
David Furtado: Espaços de Hilbert e Séries de Fourier
Financial support: FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia....
ILAS 2023 - Minisymposia organized by CMUC researchers
25th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS2023), Madrid, Spain, June 12-16, 2023.
State-of-the-art in algorithms and applicationsOrganizers: Natália Bebiano (CMUC), Sirani M. Perera (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ.)
Orthogonal polynomials, matrix analysis and...
Inauguration of the mural "Niemeyer's Golden Rectangle"
March 22, 2023 10:00 AM - 1:00 PMSecondary School of Marco de CanavesesMarco de Canaveses, Porto, Portugal
The opening includes a talk presented by Prof. Margarida Camarinha (CMUC).
As part of the participation of Marco de Canaveses...
Menos com menos é mais: o papel do erro na matemática
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
O papel do erro na matemática: Nesta área do conhecimento, errar é mais que humano: é parte da...
ECMI 2023 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and Giterka Logistics invite teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2023 Student Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or...
A matemática Tostines
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
A matemática Tostines: A teoria que explica por que um cubo de gelo fica arredondado quando...
Sistemas de administração controlada de fármacos: desafios e respostas
A Zoom talk by José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC) - ISEL Talks "Mundus Mathematica"
May 9, 2023, 16:00
Os fármacos são tradicionalmente administrados de forma periódica, utilizando diferentes vias que podemos considerar agrupadas em dois grandes conjuntos:...
Call for 3 PhD Scholarships in Mathematics (funded by FCT)
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra has opened a call for 3 research scholarships to be granted to candidates wishing to pursue a PhD degree in Mathematics at the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (edition 2023/2024), under the supervision of a CMUC researcher. The terms...
Minisymposium - Toward robust and efficient embedded and immersed method for fluid dynamics: stable and very high order formulations
CFC 2023, Cannes, France, April 25-28, 2023.
Organized by: S. Clain (CMUC, Portugal), M. Ricchiuto (Team CARDAMOM, INRIA Univ. Bordeaux, France)...
PhD Defences
David João Brandligt de Jesus - Sharp regularity for degenerate fully nonlinear equations15:00 - Sala 2.3, DMUCApril 13, 2023Ayk Telciyan - Analysis of equations of motion of inextensible strings and networks14:30 - Sala José Anastácio da Cunha, DMUCApril 14, 2023Ana...
Nada sei: como ser cientista?
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/blogs/ciencia-fundamental/2023/03/nada-sei-como-ser-cientista.shtml ...
Course on Symplectic Geometry
A semester long learning seminar course for PhD students
Mathematics Department, Univ. Coimbra, February 13 to June 15, 2023.Organizer: João Nuno Mestre
More information at https://sites.google.com/site/jnmestre/symplectic-geometry...
Mini-course on Nash-Moser techniques in geometry, with applications to normal forms
Speaker: Ioan Marcut (Radboud University Nijmegen)Title: Applications of Nash-Moser techniques to normal forms in geometry - an informal courseWhere: DMUC room 5.5Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, i.e. March 21,22,24 of 2023Schedule: 11:30-13:00 and 14:30-16:00Plan of the content:-...
Canguru Matemático 2023
Data oficial - Dia 16 de março de 2023. Inscrições abertas até ao dia 10 de março de 2023, emhttps://www.mat.uc.pt/canguruQuestões para treinar emhttp://www.mat.uc.pt/canguru/quiz ...
Dia Internacional da Matemática
No ano de 2019, por iniciativa da União Internacional de Matemática, 14 de março foi proclamado, pela UNESCO, Dia Internacional da Matemática.Mais uma vez este ano o Departamento de Matemática, o Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra e a...
Matemática e Filatelia
ConcursoEsta é a segunda edição do concurso "Matemática e..." organizada pela Delegação Regional do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática em conjunto com o Departamento de Matemática da FCTUC e o Centro de...
Projetos Semente de Investigação Científica Interdisciplinar 2022
The 4th Edition of the funding programme for "Seed Projetos for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research" with the support of the Santander Universities programme of Santander Totta Bank, promoted by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (IIIUC), intends to support five...
Exposição: Matemática e Poesia
DMat UC, Piso 0.Esta exposição consiste numa seleção de poemas que têm, por vezes apenas remotamente, alguma relação com a matemática. Mesmo com esta restrição, encontram-se nela representados alguns dos nomes maiores da...
Precisamos garantir o acesso à inspiração
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Precisamos garantir o acesso à inspiração:Efeito-herói é fundamental para entusiasmar os futuros talentos da...
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares
14 janeiro 2023: Galileu: a acne solar e os planetas com orelhasFernando B. Figueiredo (CITEUC, DM-FCTUC) Resumo: Esta palestra pretende dar a conhecer a vida e obra de Galileu, e tentar perceber como as suas observações astronómicas e escritos foram fundamentais...
Bolsas de iniciação à investigação
A Universidade de Coimbra abre concurso para atribuição de 3 bolsas de iniciação à investigação, no âmbito do Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra (ref. UIDB/00324/2020), financiado através da...
New book: Elliptic Regularity Theory by Approximation Methods
Elliptic Regularity Theory by Approximation Methodsby Edgard Pimentel (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Book description
Presenting the basics of elliptic PDEs in connection with regularity theory, the book bridges fundamental breakthroughs - such as the...
Van Gogh, pares perfeitos e as eleições: em comum, a Matemática
Lição Delfos, 3 de Dezembro de 2022, 10h45m, Sala GT do DMUC Resumo: Sabemos que a Matemática está em (quase) tudo: nas formas da natureza, na tecnologia do GPS, nos mecanismos que tornam transações bancárias seguras, e em muitas...
Start of the new academic year of DELFOS SCHOOL
The new Delphic year starts on October 22 with the first internship for students of the Delfos School (weekend 22-23 October, students from Year 9 to Year 12) and with the first session of Delfos Júnior (aimed at students from Year 5 to Year 8). For more information about the...
Inscrições Abertas para as Olimpíadas Ibero-americanas de Matemática Universitárias 2022
A 25.ª edição das Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática Universitárias (OIAMU) realiza-se no próximo dia 12 de novembro. A prova, que terá a duração de cinco horas, decorrerá na Universidade do Porto, na...
Como a matemática pode salvar a tua vida
TARDES DE MATEMÁTICA - Conversas ímpares A Delegação Regional do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática inicia um novo ciclo das palestras "Tardes de Matemática" agora com a colaboração do Exploratório -...
Workshop Novos Talentos em Matemática
1.º workshop (12 de novembro de 2022, online - Zoom)Link para reunião: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97919947001i9h30 - Sílvia Barbeiro (CMUC, Universidade de Coimbra): Equações que dançam a coreografia das multidões em movimentoResumo: A...
XLI Portuguese Mathematical Olympiad (2022/23)
Calendário para as categorias B (10.º, 11.º e 12.º anos), A (8.º e 9.º anos), Júnior (6.º e 7.º anos) e Pré-Olimpíadas (5.º ano): 1.ª eliminatória - 9 de novembro de 2022.2.ª eliminatória - 11...
Ciência às Seis! | Equações que dançam a coreografia das multidões em movimento
Na próxima terça-feira, dia 25 de outubro, às 18h, realiza-se no RÓMULO - Centro Ciência Viva da Universidade de Coimbra, a palestra intitulada "Equações que dançam a coreografia das multidões em movimento", com...
European Statistics Day: October 20, 17:00
The Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) will celebrate the 7th European Statistics Day on Thursday, 20 October 2022, under the following motto issued by ESAC: "Statistics to understand and connect to society, in the search for truth!" The celebrations will take place...
José Monteiro da Rocha: a época e a obra
Lançamento do livro "José Monteiro da Rocha: a época e a obra"Apresentação: Henrique Leitão (Universidade de Lisboa)Data: 12 de outubro de 2022 às 12hLocal: Sala 2.4 do Departamento de Matemática da...
A Matemática nos "250 anos FCTUC / 50 anos Engenharias"
Vídeo da palestra sobre Matemática do Ciclo de Colóquios "250 anos FCTUC / 50 anos Engenharias", apresentada por José Miguel Urbano (CMUC): www.mat.uc.pt/~cmuc/OA/MatematicaFCTUC250anos.mp4 ...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics - 2022/2023 edition
A second call for applications for the 2022/2023 edition of the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (starting in October 2022) is open between the 1st and the 13th of September, 2022. More information at www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog/requirements.php CMUC will open soon a call for two...
20 anos do Projecto DELFOS
Tendo o seu banho baptismal ocorrido em Dezembro de 2001, o Projecto Delfos celebra os seus 20 anos de idade. A efeméride será recordada, durante este ano, com uma referência no logotipo. E também no Canto Délfico seguinte (autoria de Eduardo Marques de...
CMUC's researcher selected for the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum
Carla Rizzo, a postdoctoral researcher at CMUC, has been selected to participate in the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), scheduled for September 2022. This prestigious event brings together 200 carefully selected young researchers in mathematics and computer science to engage with...
Novos Talentos Científicos - Matemática
As candidaturas ao programa de bolsas Novos Talentos Científicos em Matemática da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian estão abertas de 1 de setembro a 22 de setembro de 2022. Estas bolsas apoiam anualmente a vocação, a capacidade de...
LXIII International Mathematical Olympiad
Decorreram de 6 de Julho a 16 de Julho de 2022 as LXIII Olimpíadas Internacionais de Matemática, em Oslo.Os resultados da equipa portuguesa foram excelentes.Tiago Mourão (12º ano) obteve uma medalha de prata; Tiago Marques, Leonardo Tavares e Eduardo Guerreiro...
An international tender to fulfill 1 vacancy for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 21/07/2022]. The...
CMUC research project highlighted on FCTUC website
In the following video, Ercília Sousa (CMUC) presents the project "additive.MILLING - Add Milling to Additive Manufacturing" (project PT2020-POCI-SII&DT 3414), developed by a multidisciplinary team, with mathematicians from CMUC,GLN Molds, CDRsp (IPLeiria) and...
Universidade de Verão 2022
The Summer University 2022, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC), will take place from the 24th to the 29th of July. This is an event for high school students. Throughout the event, they will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogic and cultural activities that...
ENSPM 2022 - Encontro Nacional da SPM
Parallel Sessions organized by CMUC members: Special Functions and Applications (Monday 18, 10:30)Organizer: Kenier Castillo. Analysis and Applications (Tuesday 19, 11:30)Organizer: Isabel Narra. Mathematical Circles (Tuesday 19, 11:30)Organizer: Joana Teles. ...
The University of Coimbra opens a call for two postdoctoral research fellowships, in the framework of the Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (reference: UIDP/00324/2020). Scientific area: Mathematics.Duration: 12 months. Skills/Qualifications/Admission requirements:...
Canguru Matemático - Problema de Junho
Um jogo de futebol entre as equipas do Norte de Cangu e do Sul de Cangu ... (leia o resto do problema no ficheiro anexo)....
Call for 2 PhD Scholarships in Mathematics (funded by FCT)
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra has opened a call for applications to 2 research scholarships to be granted to candidates wishing to pursue a PhD degree in Mathematics at the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (edition 2022/2023), and in preparing the PhD Thesis under...
A perspectiva linear na pintura
As Tardes de Matemática da Delegação do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, que nasceram há mais de três décadas, têm sido um veículo importante de divulgação da Matemática junto dos alunos dos...
ECMI 2022 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and fleXstructures GmbH invite teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2022 Student Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or...
CatAlg2022: Special session in honour of Maria Manuel Clementino, on the occasion of her 60th birthday
The scientific programme of the 5th Workshop on Categorical Algebra includes a special session in honour of Maria Manuel Clementino.
See some videos of the session here:
Pra que contar além de 10? O mundo precisa de números muito grandes?
Coluna sobre matemática, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC). https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/blogs/ciencia-fundamental/2022/02/pra-que-contar-alem-de-10.shtml ...
Tardes de Matemática online
As Tardes de Matemática da Delegação do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, que nasceram há mais de três décadas, têm sido um veículo importante de divulgação da Matemática junto dos alunos dos...
New Editorial Board of Portugaliae Mathematica for 2022-2024
Portugaliae Mathematica has a new editorial board for 2022-2024. Two CMUC members are part of the team: José Miguel Urbano, Editor-in-Chief, and Maria Manuel Clementino, Associate Editor. More information at https://ems.press/journals/pm ...
Exposição: A Matemática em União com...
Exposição patente ao público no piso 2 do Departamento de Matemática da UC até ao próximo dia 25 de Março, com os trabalhos seleccionados do concurso Matemática e Arte na Rua, promovido pela SPM Centro, DMUC e CMUC. Após essa...
Dia Internacional da Matemática
No ano de 2019, por iniciativa da União Internacional de Matemática, 14 de março foi proclamado, pela UNESCO, Dia Internacional da Matemática. Mais uma vez este ano, o Departamento de Matemática, o Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra...
Dia Internacional da Matemática - 14 de março de 2022
Sala Pedro Nunes e online, Departamento de MatemáticaUniversidade de Coimbra 9h30-10h30Conferência "Matemática contra as fraudes", Jaime Carvalho e Silva, CMUC/UCApresentação de trabalhos fotográficos preparados para o Dia...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics - 2022/2023 edition
The applications for the 2022/2023 edition of the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (starting in September 2022) are open between the 1st of February and the 10th of March, 2022. More information at www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog The research centers associated with the program, CMUC and...
FCT Call for R&D Projects in all Scientific Domains
An FCT Call for R&D Projects in all Scientific Domains will be open from 8 February until 10 March 2022. More information at www.fct.pt/apoios/projectos/concursos/ICDT/index.phtml.en ...
Canguru Matemático 2022
Data oficial - Dia 17 de março de 2022. As inscrições estão abertas até ao dia 10 de março, em falcon.mat.uc.pt/canguru...
FCT - Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2022
FCT has just opened the 5th call Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus that envisages the hiring of researchers in four contract levels - junior researcher, assistant researcher, principal researcher and coordinating researcher. PhD holders in all scientific fields can apply...
Projetos Semente de Investigação Científica Interdisciplinar 2022
The University of Coimbra launches the 3rd Edition of the funding programme for "Projetos Semente de Investigação Científica Interdisciplinar" with the support of Santander, run by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research. The funding of 100 000 euros aims...
Estágios para alunos de Licenciatura
A Universidade de Coimbra abre concurso para atribuição de 6 bolsas de iniciação à investigação, no âmbito do Projeto UI0235 - UIDP/00324/2020 (Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra). Área Científica:...
Matemática e Arte de Rua
Concurso Fazer matemática requer imaginação e criatividade,para além de muito trabalho, rigor e espírito crítico.Alia a Matemática à Arte e cria o teu Mural!Como participar?Escolhe um assunto e mostra a sua relação com a...
Coimbra Mathematical Texts
The first volume of the new Springer Nature series "Coimbra Mathematical Texts" has just been published: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030843182 This volume, titled "New Perspectives in Algebra, Topology and Categories", was edited by Maria Manuel...
Video "Multi-Camera Endoscopic Capsule Images: 3D Location and Automatic Detection of Abnormal Elements"
Prof. Isabel Narra Figueiredo (CMUC) presents the project "Multi-Camera Endoscopic Capsule Images: 3 D Location and Automatic Detection of Abnormal Elements" (FCT project PTDC/EMD-EMD/28960/2017), developed by a multidisciplinary team, with mathematicians from CMUC, electrical...
Quanto custa um teorema? E por que é tão barato?
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Quanto custa um teorema? E por que é tão barato?Em 2010, a pesquisa matemática injetou 556 bilhões de libras à economia...
E se a matemática fosse uma ciência exata?
Ou: quem disse que ela é mesmo uma ciência? Os temas do conhecimento científico são muito variados. Talvez consequência de uma curiosidade infinita, estudamos matemática, física, medicina e fisiologia, e inclusive a...
CMUC Newsletter 01-2021
Read the 2021 issue of CMUC newsletter here....
New book: Separation in Pointfree Topology
Separation in Point-Free Topology by Jorge Picado (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) and Ales Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague)
Birkhauser/Springer, Cham, 2021
This book is the first systematic treatment of this area so far scattered in a vast number of articles. As in classical topology, concrete...
A call for a postdoctoral position in computational mathematics is open at the University of Coimbra (focusing on image processing and analysis - with applications to medicine) in the framework of the interdisciplinary research project "Multi-Cam Capsule Endoscopy Imagery: 3d Capsule...
Workshop CIM & Enterprises
Date: November 26, 2021. Target Audience: Researchers, technical staff, undergraduate and graduate students (PhD students and Posdoctoral fellows), with interest in challenging mathematical applications. Organization: The workshop is promoted by CIM (International Center for...
Matemática Industrial em Portugal e na Europa: colaborações, iniciativas, carreiras e outras oportunidades
A online talk by Ana Jacinto Soares (Univ. Minho / PT-MATHS-IN) and Adérito Araújo (CMUC / PT-MATHS-IN). November 10, 16h Mundus Mathematica - II Ciclo de Palestras - Matemática IndustrialISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de...
MATHINA: an interactive story between mathematics and fantasy
Associação Atractor, which has CMUC/FCTUC as one of its institutional members, was one of the partners of an ERASMUS+ project that developed, among other materials, online repositories, available at https://mathina.eu. These repositories contain several materials, in English,...
Prémio Estatístico Júnior 2021
The Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) promotes the "Junior Statistical 2021" award, with the support of CMUC. Sponsors: Project FCT UIDB/00324/2020More information at https://www.spestatistica.pt/en/awards/junior. ...
Canguru Matemático 2021
O concurso Canguru Matemático 2021 realizar-se-á entre 27 de setembro e 8 de outubro, como concurso interno em cada escola.As inscrições decorrerão de 1 a 17 de setembro. Mais informações em www.mat.uc.pt/canguru ...
Novos Talentos Científicos - Matemática
As candidaturas ao programa de bolsas Novos Talentos Científicos em Matemática da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian estão abertas de 1 de setembro a 8 de outubro de 2021. Estas bolsas apoiam anualmente a vocação, a capacidade de...
Os dados (não?) mentem
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Os dados (não?) mentemCorrelações, causalidades e conclusões espúrias
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics - 2021/2022 edition
A second call for applications for the 2021/2022 edition of the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (starting in September 2021) will be open between the 6th and 10th of September 2021, as indicated in the application information accessible at the following link:...
Elementar, senhores juízes: a matemática e a espionagem
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Elementar, senhores juízes: a matemática e a espionagemA criptografia no sistema de...
Verão com Ciência 2021 - Estágios para alunos de Licenciatura e Mestrado
A Universidade de Coimbra abre concurso para atribuição de 7 bolsas de iniciação à investigação, no âmbito da unidade de I&D Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra - CMUC, com o título Verão com...
Call for a research scholarship
The University of Coimbra opens a call for a one-year research fellowship in the area of Mathematics, under the ESC4SH project "Efficient Simulation and Computation for Health, Sea and Industry". The call is open between July 20th 2021 and August 2nd 2021. Scientific...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics - 2021/2022 edition
This year, the applications for the 2021/2022 edition of the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (starting in September 2021) will be open between the 19th and 25th of July 2021. More information at www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog The research centers associated with the program, CMUC and...
Tardes de Matemática online
As Tardes de Matemática da Delegação do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, que nasceram há mais de três décadas, têm sido um veículo importante de divulgação da Matemática junto dos alunos dos...
ECMI 2021 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) invites teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2021 Students Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or economic...
CIÊNCIA 2021 Meeting, June 28-30
José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC) will present a talk, titled "A mathematical perspective on drug delivery enhanced by stimuli", on the Thematic Session Ciências da Saúde - Genética, neurociências, biotecnologia e oncologia.June 30, 11:30-13:00...
Dois rabinos se encontram na lousa
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Dois rabinos se encontram na lousaUm passeio pela matemática na tradição judaica
Pedro Nunes Lecture 2021
The "Pedro Nunes' Lecture 2021", entitled "Addressing the Growing Distrust in Algorithms with More Mathematics", by Shafi Goldwasser (UC Berkeley, USA), is a virtual lecture organized by CIM (Centro Internacional de Matemática), onJune 16, 05:00pm (Lisbon...
Pedro Nunes: ciclo de tertúlias "Portugal no seu melhor" da BGUC
A Biblioteca Geral da UC organiza, durante o mês de Junho, as primeiras 4 tertúlias online do ciclo "Portugal no seu melhor". A sessão do dia 14 de Junho, 18:00, dedicada a PEDRO NUNES, será apresentada por João Filipe Queiró...
Projetos Semente de Investigação Científica Interdisciplinar 2021
The University of Coimbra launches the 2nd Edition of the funding programme for "Projetos Semente de Investigação Científica Interdisciplinar" with the support of Santander, run by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research. The funding of 100 000 euros aims...
Quantas pedras há na orla de Copacabana?
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Quantas pedras há na orla de Copacabana?Talvez seja isso que Drummond, sentado perto do forte, esteja tentando...
Call for 3 PhD Scholarships (FCT)
A call for three PhD scholarships is open from April 15 until May 15. The call is addressed to students interested in enrolling in the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (edition 2021/2022) and in preparing the PhD Thesis under the supervision of some CMUC researcher. The official...
ENEMath21 - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Matemática
March 24-30, online. More information here ...
Quando a arte é um problema de matemática
Coluna sobre ciência fundamental, na Folha de S. Paulo, pelo investigador Edgard Pimentel (CMUC).
Quando a arte é um problema de matemáticaO binômio de Newton é tão belo como a Vênus de...
Dia Internacional da Matemática - Tertúlia Matemática - 14 de março de 2021
O Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra (DMUC), o Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra, o Núcleo de Estudantes de Matemática da Associação Académica de Coimbra e a Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática -...
FCT Call for Project Grants in all Scientific Domains
An FCT call for Project Grants in all Scientific Domains is open from 28 January 2021 until 10 March 2021. More information at www.fct.pt/apoios/projectos/concursos/ICDT/index.phtml.en ...
FCT - Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2021
This call envisages the hiring of researchers in four contract levels - junior researcher, assistant researcher, principal researcher and coordinating researcher. PhD holders in all scientific fields can apply to carry out their scientific research or technological development...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra will open soon a call for two 2-year Postdoctoral research grants. The call is open from 05 January 2021 until 10 February 2021. For more information see the official announcement at...
Doctoral INPhINIT - Fellowship Programme - 2021 Call for applications
"la Caixa Foundation" offers PhD grants in some top research training programmes, including CMUC. For applying click here.Deadline: 4 February 2021. You may find the projects offered by CMUC here.In order to get the PhD position at CMUC you must also apply to the UC|UP...
Prémio Estatístico Júnior 2020
CMUC is a partner of the "Prémio Estatístico Júnior 2020" of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE).The list of awards can be consulted in the attached file. Sponsors: Project FCT UIDB/00324/2020 More information HERE. ...
LXI International Mathematical Olympiad
For already 19 years, the Delfos Project has been preparing and selecting the Portuguese team for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). This year, the Portuguese team won a silver medal, three bronze medals and two honorable mentions (the event took place on 21 and 22 September...
KSF 2020 - Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Kangaroo
This year the annual meeting of the Association Kangourou sans Frontières (http://www.aksf.org) will be held online (12-18 October 2020). Júlio Neves, deputy director of CMUC, is the Vice-chair of the Cadet Working Group (https://ksf2020.ethz.ch/?page_id=56) ...
"la Caixa" Foundation Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowships Call
The Postdoctoral Junior Leader Fellowships Programme is now open for applications. It offers 45 Postdoctoral Fellowships in STEM disciplines (including mathematics) at universities and research centres in Spain and Portugal for researchers of all nationalities. CMUC is one of the research...
The International Mathematical Olympiad takes place virtually for the first time in 60 years
Portugal participates in the first virtual edition of the International Mathematical Olympiad that starts today, September 20th. The opening ceremony is scheduled for 1pm, Lisbon time, and there will be an online parade of more than 100 teams and 622 students. The results will be known on...
Prémio Estatístico Júnior 2020
CMUC is a partner of the "Prémio Estatístico Júnior 2020" of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE).Sponsors: Project FCT UIDB/00324/2020More information HERE. ...
Featured ECMI Node: Coimbra
In the second half of July, Coimbra is featured (again) on the ECMI blog: https://ecmiindmath.org....
Coronavírus: Como combater o inimigo epidémico invisível e vencer?
"O desafio que temos pela frente é gerir esta necessidade de cuidados hospitalares através de medidas de prevenção de transmissão, com o menor impacto possível nas nossas vidas, enquanto ganhamos tempo", excerto do artigo "Como...
An international tender to fulfill 3 vacancies for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 30/07/2020]. The...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra will launch soon an international call for three Junior Researcher positions (a three-year contract each, renewable annually, to be started in the period September-December 2020). More information will appear here shortly....
Postdoctoral Position
The University of Coimbra invites applications for a Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, under the research project of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) titled "Multi-Cam capsule endoscopy imagery : 3D capsule location and...
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF-2020)
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra welcomes expressions of interest from excellent international postdoctoral researchers interested in applying to the European Commission Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA IF) 2020 call to carry out a research...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, 2nd call for applications
A second call for applications for the new edition of the PhD Program in Mathematics UC|UP (starting September 2020) will be open during June 20, 2020 - June 30, 2020. More information at www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog ...
Pedro Nunes Lecture: "Counting minimal surfaces in negatively curved 3-manifolds" by André Neves
25 June 2020, 16:00https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97369090143 André Neves (University of Chicago, USA) Counting minimal surfaces in negatively curved 3-manifolds Abstract: I will survey some of the recent progress regarding existence of minimal...
ECMI 2020 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) invites teams of students of Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2020 Students Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or economic importance. Teamwork...
Call for Themes for the International Day of Mathematics 2021
(message from IMU) The first International Day of Mathematics (IDM 2020) aroused worldwide enthusiasm with 1,030 celebrations announced in more than 110 countries. Unfortunately, many celebrations were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to spontaneous online...
FCT - Call for SR&TD Project Grants
An FCT call for SR&TD projects in all scientific fields is open from 30 January 2020 until 30 April 2020 (new deadline announced by FCT). Applications are submitted electronically, in English, through the electronic platform of FCT for projects. More information at...
Canguru Matemático 2020
As inscrições para a próxima edição do concurso estão abertas até ao dia 9 de março de 2020. A prova decorrerá no dia 19 de Março. Mais informações em www.mat.uc.pt/canguru ...
Ateliers de Matemática no Museu da Ciência
14 Março 2020, Museu de Ciência da UC 16H00 Planeta Matemático Gonçalo Pena, Marta Pascoal, Raquel Caseiro (CMUC/Univ. Coimbra) 17H00 Histórias com Tangram Gonçalo Gutierres, Sandra Pinto (CMUC/Univ. Coimbra) ...
Onde está a matemática na cerveja?
No dia 4 de março, Adérito Araújo, investigador do CMUC, apresenta a palestra "Onde está a matemática na cerveja?", integrada na edição de 2020 do evento "Pontos nos iii - Science Beer Talks 2020". Local:...
Mathematical Texts - Vol. 48
13th Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control: three mini-courses The volume 48 of the DMUC Mathematical Texts collection, "13th Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control: three mini-courses" is now available at...
FCT - Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2019
This call envisages the hiring of researchers in four contract levels - junior researcher, assistant researcher, principal researcher and coordinating researcher. PhD holders in all scientific fields can apply to carry out their scientific research or technological development activity...
PhD Positions, UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
The UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, run by the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, in Portugal, welcomes applications for the academic year 2020/2021. The Program will offer a number of doctoral scholarships (covering tuition fees and living expenses) to selected candidates....
"la Caixa Foundation" offers PhD grants in some top research training programmes, including CMUC. For applying click here.Deadline: 4 February 2020. You may find the projects offered by CMUC here.In order to get the PhD position at CMUC you must also apply to the UC|UP...
Isabel Narra Figueiredo is the new President of CIM-Centro Internacional de Matemática
Congratulations to our colleague Isabel Narra Figueiredo who has just been elected the new Board President of CIM, the International Center for Mathematics, for the quadrennium 2020-2023.After having held the position of Vice-President-Treasurer in the last four years, she will, from now on,...
News from ECMI and EMS
1. ECMI2020 conference meeting: We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to the 21st ECMI conference, which will take place in Limerick, Ireland, from 22-26 June 2020. I am sure it will be an excellent memorable event and a great opportunity to strengthen collaborations...
Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra 9 Oct - 11 Dec 2019 More information at https://www.uc.pt/bguc/article?key=a-a06a9160af...
Calendário para as Categorias Júnior (6.º e 7.º anos), Categoria A (8.º e 9.º anos) e Categoria B (10.º, 11.º e 12.º anos) 1.ª eliminatória - 06 de novembro de 2019.2.ª eliminatória - 08 de janeiro de 2020.Final...
Estágio DELFOS: 16-17 Nov
Next weekend of the Delfos School: 16-17 November 2019. See the program at www.mat.uc.pt/~delfos/2019-11-Estagios-Delfos.pdf ...
Tardes de Matemática da SPM Centro 2019
As Tardes de Matemática da Delegação do Centro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, que nasceram há mais de três décadas, têm sido um veículo importante de divulgação da Matemática junto dos alunos dos...
Prémio Estatístico Júnior 2019
The Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) promotes the "Junior Statistical 2019" award, with the support of CMUC.Cerimónia de entrega dos...
Scholarships for the participation at the 8th European Congress in Mathematics (Portoroz, 2020)
From: The Organizing Committee of the 8th European Congress of Mathematics We would like to inform about the open call for scholarships for the participation at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM), which will be held in Portoroz, Slovenia between July 5th and...
"la Caixa" Foundation is launching a new call for postdoctoral fellowships
The Postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships programme aims to support the hiring of excellent researchers, of any nationality, who wish to further their research career in Spain or Portugal.The programme offers a total of 45 postdoctoral fellowships divided into two different types: Incoming...
Assistant Professor position
An international tender for a position of Assistant Professor in the field of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra is open. More information: https://www.uc.pt/drh/rm/pconcursais/pessoal_docente/A_decorrer/fct/P053-19-7729 ...
CMUC Newsletter 01-2019
Read the new issue of CMUC newsletter here....
CMUC ranked "Excellent" among R&D Units in Portugal
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra was ranked with "Excellent", the best possible mark, in the recent evaluation of R&D Units by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The evaluation was made by an international panel of Mathematicians....
Universidade de Verão 2019
The Summer University 2019, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC), will take place from the 21st to the 26th of July. This is an event for high school students. Throughout the event, they will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogic and cultural activities that...
CMUC at CIÊNCIA 2019 meeting
CMUC organizes a session on Computational Biology and Medical Applications: July 8, 11:30-13:00 Chair: Paula de Oliveira (CMUC/Universidade de Coimbra) Adélia Sequeira (CEMAT/IST, Universidade de Lisboa), Towards personalized accurate cardiovascular simulations...
International Day of Mathematics
The IDM Governing Board has decided the theme of the 2020 IDM, which will be "Mathematics is everywhere".The theme was proposed by Jaime Carvalho e Silva (CMUC/Portugal), former Secretary General of ICMI. Examples of topics related to the following sub-themes can be found in...
Opening for Postdoctoral Position
The University of Coimbra (Portugal) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, under the research project of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) titled "Multi-Cam capsule endoscopy imagery : 3D capsule...
Programa Cientificamente Provável
CMUC, in partnership with the Mathematics Library of the UC, joined the "Cientificamente Provável" Program, an initiative of the State Secretariat of Education through the School Libraries Network and the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Higher...
Aqui há grafos!
Talk by Marta Pascoal (DMat/CMUC) - UC Science Museum, May 11, 2019, 15:00. Resumo:Uma rede de telecomunicações, um GPS, um sistema de escoamento de águas, ou a última tournée da banda do momento estão relacionados com problemas...
Bento de Jesus Caraça e a actualidade da Cultura Integral
The Bento de Jesus Caraça Association, with the support of the Center for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, promotes next May 4 a colloquium meeting about Bento de Jesus Caraça and the topicality of integral culture. The colloquium takes place in the Museum of Science...
Trocas altruístas num mundo competitivo
Talk by Adérito Araújo (DMat/CMUC) - UC Science Museum, April 6, 2019, 15:00. Resumo:O mundo é moldado pelas nossas decisões. O efeito conjugado das decisões que tomamos a cada instante, grandes ou pequenas, por hábito, de forma mais ou menos...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for three Postdoctoral research grants to be started in April. The grants end on the 31 of December, 2019, with the possibility of renewal. The applications should be submitted between March 11 and March...
The newly ICM Structure Committee
Irene Fonseca, Director of Center for Nonlinear Analysis (Carnegie Mellon University) and a member of CMUC Advisory Committee, has been appointed to the newly created ICM Structure Committee. Up to ICM 2018 in Brazil, the responsibility to determine the scientific program (sections and...
A Matemática e as mensagens secretas
Talk by Jaime Carvalho e Silva (DMat/CMUC) - UC Science Museum, March 9, 2019, 15:00. Resumo: Com a Criptografia, uma área da Matemática, podemos esconder ("codificar" ou "encriptar") os conteúdos das nossas mensagens de modo a que pessoas...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra will open soon a call for three Postdoctoral research grants for the period April 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019.Updated information will appear at CMUC webpage, soon....
FCT - Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018
Applications for the second edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus will run until 20 February 2019. This call envisages the hiring of 300 researchers, in four contract levels - junior researcher, assistant researcher, principal researcher and coordinating...
"la Caixa Foundation" offers PhD grants in some top research training programmes, including CMUC. For applying click here.Deadline: 6 February 2019. You may find the projects offered by CMUC here.In order to get the PhD position at CMUC you must also apply to the...
PhD Positions, UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
The UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, run by the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, in Portugal, welcomes applications for the academic year 2019/2020. The Program will offer a number of doctoral scholarships (covering tuition fees and living expenses) to selected candidates....
Os paradoxos do dia de aniversário e das coincidências
Talk by Carlos Tenreiro (DMat/CMUC) - UC Science Museum, January 12, 2019, 15:00. Resumo: Nesta sessão discutem-se dois problemas clássicos do cálculo de probabilidades, conhecidos como o paradoxo do dia de aniversário e o paradoxo das...
Pedro Nunes Lecture: "The ICDD (Interface Control Domain Decomposition) method for the solution of Multiphysics problems" by Alfio Quarteroni
21 November 2018, 15:00, Sala Pedro Nunes (DMat UC) Alfio Quarteroni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)The ICDD (Interface Control Domain Decomposition) method for the solution of Multiphysics problems Abstract: Interface Control Domain Decomposition (ICDD) is a method designed...
Applications are welcome for a junior researcher position (three-year contract) in the framework of the project "New Perspectives in Nonlinear PDEs: unbalanced optimal transport, reaction-diffusion systems and nonlocal equations", reference PTDC/MAT-PUR/28686/2017, funded by FCT....
An international tender to fulfill 5 vacancies for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic,...
Postdoctoral position in computational mathematics
Postdoctoral position in computational mathematics (focusing on image processing and analysis, visualization, numerical analysis, optimization, inverse problems in imaging, partial differential equations - with applications in medicine) in the framework of the interdisciplinary research...
CMUC Newsletter 02-2018
Read the new issue of CMUC newsletter here. ...
Universidade de Verão 2018
The Summer University 2018, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC), will take place from the 2nd to 7th of July. This is an event for high school students. Throughout the event, several high school students will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogic and cultural...
Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
Aveiro, 3-14 September 2018. This year the annual UC|UP PhD Summer School will take place in Aveiro and is jointly organised with the PhD Program in Applied Mathematics of the Universities of Aveiro, Minho and Porto (MAP-PDMA) and the PhD Program in Mathematics of the University of...
UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, 2nd call for applications
A second call for applications for the 2018-19 edition of the program will be open in June, 1-15.More information at www.mat.uc.pt/phd_prog ...
CMUC Newsletter 01-2018
Read the new issue of CMUC newsletter here....
Former DMUC student Afonso Bandeira wins a 2018 Sloan Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Afonso Bandeira! A former student of DMUC, currently an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York), Afonso is a winner of the 2018 Sloan Research Fellowships. Bandeira seeks a deeper understanding of various...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for three Postdoctoral research grants for the period April 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018. The applications should be submitted between February 21 and March 6. For more information see the official announcement...
PhD Positions, UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
The UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, run by the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, in Portugal, welcomes applications for the academic year 2018/2019.The Program will offer a number of doctoral scholarships (covering tuition fees and living expenses) to selected candidates. Funding...
José Monteiro da Rocha (1734-1819) e a institucionalização da ciência em Portugal
Talk by Fernando Figueiredo (CMUC) - UC Science Museum, January 17 (wednesday), 17:00 A Reforma Pombalina da Universidade de Coimbra de 1772 transformou o ensino nesta instituição, criando para o ensino das ciências o Laboratório Químico, o Gabinete de...
Adérito Araújo was appointed President of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI)
Adérito Araújo was appointed President of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI). He will take up his duties on 1 January 2018. After having held the position of Vice-President in the last two years, he will, from now on, lead the European institution. ...
"Career Award - SPE (2017)" awarded to Nazaré Mendes Lopes by the Portuguese Statistical Society
At its XXIII Congress, the Portuguese Statistical Society awarded the Career Award - SPE to CMUC member Nazaré Mendes-Lopes "in recognition of her relevant contributions to the scientific, pedagogical and statistical development of Statistics in Portugal". With the awarding...
CMUC Newsletter 02-2017
Read the new issue of the quarterly CMUC email newsletter here. ...
PostDoc Day 2017 at UC
October 30th, 16:00: "Art of Public Speaking: How to Engage & Connect"Verónica Quitalo and Fernando Charro Postdocs at CMUC Full programmeRÓMULO - Centro Ciência Viva, Departamento de Física, Piso 0, Polo I, UC...
The Portuguese team got one gold medal (Henrique Navas, from Lisboa), one silver medal (Kevin Pucci, from Chaves), one bronze medal (João Morais, from Mirandela) and a honourable mention (Maria Madrugo, from Lisboa) at the 2017 IberoAmerican Mathematical Olympiad held in Puerto...
A Aula de Desenho da Universidade de Coimbra e a sua coleção de modelos didáticos
Talk by Carlos Tenreiro (DMat/CMUC) - UC Science Museum, September 13 (wednesday), 17:00 Apesar de instituída pelos estatutos pombalinos da Universidade, a Aula de Desenho anexa à Faculdade de Matemática só funcionará, pela primeira vez, no ano letivo...
2017 Knowledge Prize
The Gulbenkian Foundation, the most important foundation in Portugal and one of the largest in Europe, has awarded its 2017 Knowledge Prize to the Portuguese Mathematical Society, for the organization of the Mathematics Olympiad. This competition is the widest scientific initiative in...
Portugal wins two gold and two silver medals in the Mathematical Olympiad of the CPLP 2017
The Portuguese team got two gold and two silver medals at the 2017 Mathematical Olympiad of the CPLP held in Porto (Portugal). The team members were Rodrigo Andrade (year 10, Matosinhos), Pedro Dias (year 10, Lisboa), David Nassauer (year 10, Lisboa), and Rui Wang (year 9, Faro). They were...
Portugal wins bronze in the International Mathematical Olympiad
The Portuguese team got two bronze medals and two honourable mentions at the 2017 International Mathematical Olympiad held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The team members were Manuel Cabral (year 12, Lisboa), Pedro Moreira Fernandes (year 11, Pombal), Duarte Nascimento (year 12, Amadora),...
Óscar Domínguez has been awarded the prestigious Vicent Caselles Prize, for young (less than 32) spanish mathematicians, by the Real Sociedad Matemática Española.More infomation here. ...
CMUC Newsletter 01-2017
Read the new issue of the quarterly CMUC email newsletter here....
CMUC at CIÊNCIA 2017 meeting
July 5, 11:30-13:00, 14:00-15:30 CMUC participates in the Mathematical sessions with two talks by João Gouveia and Ercília Sousa. Maria Manuel Clementino will chair the afternoon session:Programme....
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for 4 research positions (for the 4-month period 1 September 2017 - 31 December 2017). Applicants should have a Bachelor or Master degree in Mathematics.For more information see the official announcement in the...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for two four-month Postdoctoral research grants (September 2017 - December 2017).For more information see the announcement in the attached file below or in the following...
University of Coimbra signed a strategic partnership with Retmarker in technology for ocular screening of diabetics
The University of Coimbra (UC) signed a license agreement with Retmarker, a spin-off of the Critical Group, in the field of ophthalmology, on February 22nd 2017.The agreement consolidates a partnership initiated in 2013 to create a technology with the objective of automatically identify...
ENEMath17 - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Matemática (Coimbra, 8-11 April, 2017)
The group of Mathematics Students of the students' union of the University of Coimbra is organizing the ENEMath'17, with the support of CMUC.More...
Cardiovascular diseases: Researchers from UC develop a mathematical model to simulate controlled drug release in last generation stents
A team of researchers of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), in collaboration with the Cardiology Department of the Hospital Centre of Coimbra (CHUC, Covões), developed a mathematical model that simulates controlled drug...
Mostra de Ciência 2017 da FCTUC
A 24 e 25 de fevereiro, a Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra realiza a Mostra de Ciência 2017! A iniciativa vai ter lugar na Praça Central, piso 0, do Centro Comercial Alma, entre as 10 horas e as 20h (no dia 24) e as 10h e 22h (no dia 25). Ao longo de dois dias...
Quartas com a FCTUC: experimentar a ciência e a tecnologia
Todas as quartas-feiras até ao final de março, a Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (FCTUC) alia-se ao Exploratório - Centro Ciência Viva para dinamizar um conjunto de atividades experimentais de ciência e tecnologia para...
CMUC Newsletter 03-2016
Read the new issue of the quarterly CMUC email newsletter here....
Atractor's webpages in English
Atractor's webpage has now English versions of the following...
CMUC Thematic Line: Outreach and Popularization Activities
The outreach activities of CMUC are now presented at the webpage http://www.mat.uc.pt/~cmuc/OA...
CMUC Thematic Line: History of Mathematics
CMUC work in the History of Mathematics is now presented at the webpage http://www.mat.uc.pt/~cmuc/HM...
MSC-Mathematics Subject Classification
The American Mathematical Society (Mathematical Reviews) and the European Mathematical Society (zbMATH) are revising their subject classification (MSC-Mathematics Subject Classification) and invite all the mathematical community to submit suggestions.Go to https://msc2020.org/ ...
Beginning of the DELFOS School Year 2016/2017
The new Delphic year begins this November. The first session of Delfos Júnior (aimed at students from Year 5 to Year 8) will be held on the 5th of November (saturday). On the weekend 19-20 November, it will be held the first session of Delfos School for students from Year 9 to Year...
Portugal wins gold in the mathematical olympiad of the CPLP
Portugal got the first place in the VI Mathematical Olympiad of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (OMCPLP) with 121 points and earned one gold medal and three silver medals. The competition took place in the city of Maracanaú (Fortaleza, Brazil) from October 5 till...
The Portuguese team got two silver medals and two bronze medals at the 2016 IberoAmerican Mathematical Olympiad held in Antofagasta (Chile). The team members were Alberto Pacheco (year 12, Gondomar), Gonçalo Paredes (year 12, Coimbra), Manuel Cabral (year 11, Lisboa) and Matilde...
CMUC Newsletter 02-2016
Read the new issue of the quarterly CMUC email newsletter here....
ATRACTOR wins MathLapse prize
The International competition "MathLapse Festival" (ic16.imaginary.org/mathlapse), organized by Imaginary (a project of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach), held in Berlin (last 22 of July), selected the best 5 MathLapses* from the 47 submitted videos.One of the 5...
An automated screening method designed by a CMUC research team led by Isabel M. Narra de Figueiredo, and incorporated in Retmarker, an automated retinal image analysis technology, has just received independent scientific confirmation of its huge global potential in the fight...
FCT - 2016 Call for PhD Studentships and Post-Doctoral fellowships
With this call, FCT aims to support graduates who wish to pursue research leading to a PhD degree and post-doctoral researchers wishing to pursue cutting-edge projects at Portuguese or foreign research centres. This call is open to both Portuguese and foreign applicants, across all fields of...
CMUC at CIÊNCIA 2016 meeting
CMUC organizes a session about Mathematics and Life Sciences at the CIÊNCIA 2016 meeting:5th July, 15:30-17:00Chairpersons: Paula de Oliveira (CMUC) and Miguel Castelo-Branco (IBILI, CNC). Speakers: Isabel Narra Figueiredo (CMUC), Rui Travasso (Centro de Física da Universidade...
2016 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
September 5-16, 2016. For more information, click here. ...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for three one-year Postdoctoral research grants, starting September 2016. For more information see the announcement in the attached file below or in the following...
Práticas matemáticas, cartográficas e arquitetônicas na Amazônia setecentista - Apontamentos históricos (1750-1800)
Palestra por Iran Abreu Mendes (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal/RN, Brasil)24 de Maio de 2016, 16:00Museu da Ciência, UC Sumário da Palestra: 1. Ciências, artes e técnicas mobilizadas para a Amazônia setecentista 2. Do acervo...
New website of ATRACTOR
The "Associação Atractor" --- an organization dedicated to the promotion of mathematics --- launched a new version of its website: www.atractor.ptHere you can find interactive modules and links to the developed software (or translated) by Atractor. Try it!If you...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra will open soon three one-year postdoctoral research positions. The announcemment of the call will appear here....
CMUC Newsletter 01-2016
Read the first issue of the quarterly CMUC email newsletter here....
Palestra por António Leal Duarte (CMUC) Quarta-feira, 13 de Abril, 16:00 Museu da Ciência da UC, Anfiteatro do Laboratorio Chimico Nesta sessão vamos conhecer um conjunto de azulejos datados do século XVII, baseados na obra "Os Elementos" de Euclides, bem...
PhD Positions, UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics
The UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, run by the Universities of Coimbra and Porto, in Portugal, welcomes applications for the academic year 2016/2017.The Program will offer a number of doctoral scholarships (covering tuition fees and living expenses) to selected candidates....
A new volume of the series Mathematical Texts has been published
Contributions in Statistics and Inference: celebrating Nazaré Mendes Lopes' birthdayMathematical Texts of DMUC, Vol. 47, 2015 (ISBN 978-972-8564-51-3),E. Gonçalves, P. E. Oliveira, C. Tenreiro (eds.) ...
Special Session of the XIII Annual Meeting of the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC-UC)
Mathematical models: paving the way for a personalized medicine? Paula de Oliveira (CMUC) December 17, 2015, 11h20m FCTUC Auditorium, Pólo II...
Adérito Araújo appointed ECMI Deputy Director
Our colleague Adérito Araújo has just been elected Deputy Director of ECMI - European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry.He will take up his new duties on ECMI next meeting in Berlin, February 29, 2016. The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is a...
Ouro, prata e bronze: são estas as medalhas que a equipa a representar Portugal em Porto Rico, nas Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática (OIAM), trará para casa. Francisco Andrade alcançou um resultado brilhante, com pontuação...
13ª reunião da Comissão Nacional de Matemática
11 de Novembro de 2015 - 10:15 - Sala dos Conselhos, Dep.to de Matemática da UC Agenda:1. Aprovação da acta da 12a reunião de 26 de Setembro de 20142. Informações3. PT-MATH-IN4. MathSciNet e AMS5. ICMI (incluindo EMeLP) 12:30...
Luís Nunes Vicente receives the 2015 Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization
CMUC member Luís Nunes Vicente, with co-recipients Andrew R. Conn (IBM Research) and Katya Scheinberg (University of Lehigh), has been awarded the Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization. The prize, established in 2002, is awarded jointly by the Mathematical Optimization Society...
IMO 2015 Results
The team from Portugal got three bronze medals and a honourable mention in the 2015 International Mathematical Olympiad. This year the competition was considered to be one of the most tough editions of the recent years. The team members were Bruno Carvalho (year 11, Matosinhos), Francisco...
Special Sessions of the AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015
CMUC members are organizing the following special sessions: Algebraic Combinatorics and Representation Theory, organizers: Olga Azenhas (CMUC) and Cristina Ballantine (College of the Holy Cross), email of contact organizer: cballant@holycross.edu Algebraic Theory of Semigroups and...
Featured ECMI node: Coimbra
The ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics with Industry) blog is now online at http://ecmiindmath.org. It contains up-to-date information about events and opportunities in industrial and applied mathematics and will also feature the different ECMI centres. Until April 15, CMUC will be...
FCT - 2015 Call for PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-Doctoral fellowships
With this call, FCT aims to support the best graduates who wish to pursue research leading to a PhD degree, and the most creative post-doctoral researchers in pursuing cutting-edge projects, in Portuguese or foreign research centres, in all fields of research. Application deadline:...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra will open soon three postdoctoral research positions.Period for applications : from April 20 until May 1, 2015. For more information consult the announcement at...
Sobre um problema de Matemática que se tornou viral
Um problema de Matemática colocado a alunos dos 14 aos 16 anos em Singapura relançou o debate em torno do ensino da disciplina. O projecto Delfos e Jaime Carvalho e Silva explicam em notícia no jornal Expresso....
PhD Program in Mathematics UC | UP
The first call for applications for the new edition of the PhD Program in Mathematics UC|UP (starting September 2015) will be open during December 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015. The Program will offer a number of doctoral scholarships (covering tuition fees and living expenses) to selected...
2013 Evaluation of R&D Units by FCT, through ESF
CMUC got the highest grade ("Exceptional") in the 2013 Evaluation of R&D Units by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (with the collaboration of the European Science Foundation). The full list of results, including funding guidelines, is available here....
Lançamento da obra "A Biblioteca Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra (1913-1969)"
No próximo dia 15 de dezembro, pelas 17 horas, no Departamento de Matemática da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade de Coimbra, José Augusto Cardoso Bernardes irá apresentar a obra "A Biblioteca Matemática da Universidade de...
The Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal and CMUC (Center for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra) invite applications for 3 Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Mathematics, beginning January 01, 2015, (each...
Já são conhecidos os resultados da 29.ª edição das Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática que decorrem até amanhã, 27 de Setembro, na cidade de San Pedro Sula (Honduras). Portugal participou com uma equipa constituída...
FCT - 2014 Call for PhD Studentships, PhD Studentships in Industry and Post-Doctoral fellowships
Application deadline: 30 september 2014. With this call, FCT aims to support the best graduate researchers who wish to pursue research leading to a PhD degree, in any scientific domain, and the most creative post-doctoral researchers in pursuing cutting-edge projects, in Portuguese or...
IMO 2014 Results
The team from Portugal got the best overall result in this year's International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) with 123 points. The team members were David Martins (year 12, Mirandela), Francisco Andrade (year 11, Matosinhos), Henrique Aguiar (year 11, Aveiro), Henrique Santos (year 11,...
José Miguel Urbano appointed as new member of the CMU Portugal's scientific council
José Miguel Urbano joined the team of Scientific Directors of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program. José Miguel Urbano is a member of CMUC, full professor in the Mathematics department of the Universidade de Coimbra, a member of the National Council for Science and Technology,...
The CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning July 01, 2014. The focus of the research is on imaging...
"Anastácio da Cunha em Valença"
Valença celebra as primeiras Jornadas Anastacianas, com o título "Anastácio da Cunha em Valença" evocando o grande matemático português, quinta-feira, 12 de junho. As jornadas inserem-se nas comemorações do quinto...
The CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning July 01, 2014. The focus of the research is on imaging...
Professor James Green (1926-2014)
It was with great sadness that we at CMUC learnt of the passing away of Professor James Green. Professor Green was a great friend of our Centre since the 1980s. His generous participation in our Advisory Board was an invaluable help, apart from being an honour to us. We also recall his...
Researcher position in CMUC
An Assistant Researcher position (for a period of 27 months) is available at CMUC.Application deadline: April 18, 2014. More information in the pdf file below. ...
Researcher position in CMUC
An Assistant Researcher position (for a period of 51 months) is available at CMUC. Application deadline: April 18, 2014.More information in the pdf file below. ...
A new volume of the series Mathematical Texts has been published
D. Bourn, N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli, M. Sobral, Schreier Split Epimorphisms in Monoids and in Semirings, Textos de Matemática do DMUC, Volume 45, 2014 (ISBN 978-972-8564-49-0)...
The CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning February - April 2014. The focus of the research is on imaging...
IIIUC - Institute for Interdisciplinary Research
The Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra (IIIUC) is a Research and Education unit of the University of Coimbra for the promotion of research and advanced interdisciplinary education, that encourages the crossing of knowledge and of team building of different...
A new volume of the series Mathematical Texts has been published
The Natália Bebiano Anniversary Volume, Textos de Matemática do DMUC, Volume 44, 2013 (ISBN 978-972-8564-48-3), C. Fonseca, S. Furtado, A. Kovačec, C.-K. Li (eds.)...
José Francisco Rodrigues (CMAF, Univ. Lisboa), Some mathematical aspects of the planet EarthDecember 13 (friday), 2013, 14:30 Abstract and poster: www.mat.uc.pt/mpt2013/files/Anuncio-MPE_13dez2013.pdfOrganizers:Centro Internacional de Matemática (www.cim.pt)Ano Internacional...
Delfos School year 2013/14
No passado dia 9 de Novembro o Projeto Delfos e o Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra abriram portas para o primeiro estágio do ano lectivo. Nesta primeira parte do ano teremos aulas de introdução aos temas da Matemática olímpica,...
Afonso Bandeira wins the 2013 INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize
Afonso Bandeira (Princeton University, formerly University of Coimbra) was selected as the winner of the 2013 INFORMS Optimization Society Student Paper Prize for his paper A. S. Bandeira, K. Scheinberg, and L. N. Vicente, "Computation of Sparse Low Degree Interpolating Polynomials and...
Resultados da XXVIII Olimpiada Iberoamericana de Matemática
De 20 a 28 de Setembro realizou-se, na cidade do Panamá, a 28.ª edição das Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática. Portugal participou com uma equipa constituída por Luís Duarte (Alcains), Miguel Torres Costa (Porto), Miguel Moreira...
Apresentação do livro "Matemática do Planeta Terra"
Integrada na programação da Noite dos Investigadores 2013, irá realizar-se no dia 27 de setembro, pelas 21h00, no Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra, a apresentação do livro "Matemática do Planeta Terra", editado por Fernando...
Postdoctoral Research Position
The CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning October 2013. The focus of the research is on imaging sciences...
Planeta Matemático 2013
O jogo "Planeta matemático 2013" é uma iniciativa integrada no ano 2013, declarado pela UNESCO como o ano internacional da "Matemática do planeta Terra", organizada pelo Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra e que pretende...
Postdoctoral Research Position
The Center for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (CMUC) invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in the framework of the FCT project UTA-CMU/MAT/0007/2009 Degenerate elliptic and parabolic equations and its applications to front propagation The position is for eleven...
Vladimir Voevodsky in Coimbra (July 25, 2013)
Vladimir Voevodsky (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA), winner of the Fields Medal in Mathematics (2002) for his outstanding contributions to Algebraic Geometry, will present a colloquium talk at DMUC (July 25, 2013)....
Post Doctoral Research Position
The CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning September 2013 (or earlier July/August 2013). The focus...
A prodigiosa aventura do nascimento dos números imaginários
Jaime Carvalho e Silva (CMUC), 25 de Maio de 2013, 14:30, Museu da Ciência, UC, Coimbra....
IMAGINARY - matemática e natureza
A exposição IMAGINARY - matemática e natureza é uma exposição sobre a matemática e as formas que encontramos na natureza. Constitui uma oportunidade para aprender conceitos básicos sobre geometria e álgebra de forma lúdica...
O Mundo na Escola: Grande Aula
Piões que voam e piões que dormem - Eduardo Marques de Sá (CMUC)Quarta-feira, 13 de Março de 2013, 10h30mEscola Secundária Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, Leiria...
Matemática, o Universo e tudo o resto
23 de Janeiro de 2013, 15 horas, Museu da Ciência, Universidade de Coimbra.Palestra por Jorge Buescu (Universidade de Lisboa), a encerrar o ciclo "Matemática: a ciência da natureza", iniciativa do Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar da...
Matemática, a Ciência da Natureza
Ciclo de Conferências, na Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, organizado pelo Serviço de Ciência, que dedica o ano de 2012 a pensar, de forma motivadora, nos novos caminhos abertos ou antevistos pela Matemática ao reassumir o seu papel central de discurso...
O Mundo na Escola: Grande Aula
Piões que dormem e discos que voam - Eduardo Marques de Sá (CMUC)Quarta-feira, 28 de Novembro de 2012, 11h50Agrupamento de Escolas de Arganil, Arganil...
Resultados das Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática 2012
De 1 a 6 de Outubro, realizaram-se em Cochabamba, Bolívia, as XXVII Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática. A equipa obteve o melhor resultado de sempre nas Olimpíadas Ibero-Americanas de Matemática, ficando em segundo lugar na...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (CMUC) invites applications for one-year research positions, beginning in September 2012.Applicants should have a Master degree in Mathematics and a good command of English. They must show considerable promise in one of the areas of...
Portugal duplica ouro e prata nas Olimpíadas Internacionais de Matemática
A equipa mais jovem de sempre a representar Portugal nas Olimpíadas Internacionais de Matemática (IMO) superou todas as expectativas ao conquistar uma medalha de ouro, uma de prata e duas de bronze, numa competição que reuniu cerca de 550 participantes vindos de...
Mathematical aesthetics in a beautiful town: Bridges Coimbra 2011
The May 2012 volume of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society contains an article about the conference Bridges 2011....
Post Doctoral Research Position
The UTAustin|Portugal Program and the CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning September 2012 (or earlier...
Post Doctoral Research Position
The University of Coimbra invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in the framework of the UTAustin|Portugal Program projectUTAustin/MAT/0035/2008 - Analysis of Nonlinear PDEs.The position is for eight months, starting around September 2012, with the possibility of an...
FCT - Announcement of calls offered in 2012
The Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia informs that calls for projects in all scientific domains will be offered in 2012....
Bridges Conference 2011
Report of Konstantin Weixelbaum (Freie Universität Berlin)...
William Thurston in Coimbra (July 27-31, 2011)
William P. Thurston (Cornell Univ., USA), winner of the Fields Medal in Mathematics in 1982 for his contributions to the study of 3-manifolds, will be in Coimbra, in July 2011, as an invited speaker of the conference Bridges 2011 - MATHEMATICS, MUSIC, ART, ARCHITECTURE, CULTURE....
Efim Zelmanov in Coimbra (July 25-29, 2011)
Efim Zelmanov (Univ. of California, San Diego, USA), winner of the Fields Medal in Mathematics in 1994 for his solution of the restricted Burnside problem, will be in Coimbra in July 2011, as an invited speaker of the conference Non-Associative Algebras and Related Topics....
The UTAustin|Portugal Program and the CMUC|Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (under the project below) invite applications for an one-year Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, beginning October 2011....
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra invites applications for a one-year plus six months renewable Postdoctoral Position in Algebraic Geometry, starting in October 2011....
"The index theory of Fredholm operators" by Prof. Sir Michael Atiyah
6 de Abril de 2011, 14h30 Sala Pedro Nunes, Departamento de Matemática Sir Michael Atiyah The Index Theory of Fredholm Operators Sir Michael Atiyah foi autor de contribuições fundamentais em várias áreas da matemática, mas em especial em...
Postdoctoral Research Position
The deadline for applications is August 15, 2010. ...
Postdoctoral Research Positions 2010/2011
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (CMUC) invites applications for one-year postdoctoral research positions, beginning September 2010. Check the call for applications....
Postdoctoral Research Position
The deadline for applications is August 15, 2009. ...
Bolsas de Integração na Investigação
Período de candidatura: 8 de Junho a 30 de Junho de 2009...
The 2007 University of Coimbra Prize was awarded to Marcelo Viana, who was nominated by CMUC.
The 2007 University of Coimbra Prize was awarded to Marcelo Viana, who was nominated by CMUC. ...
O CMUC oferece uma bolsa para a frequência do primeiro ano do Mestrado em Matemática no Departamento
O CMUC oferece uma bolsa para a frequência do primeiro ano do Mestrado em Matemática no Departamento de Matemática da FCTUC. A bolsa prevê um subsídio mensal de 500 euros e o pagamento das propinas relativas ao primeiro ano. Os interessados devem enviar um curriculum detalhado para o...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra - CMUC invites applications for a Invited S
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra - CMUC invites applications for a Invited Scientist Grant, tenable for 3 months, during 2003...
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra - CMUC invites applications for a Initial Sc
The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra - CMUC invites applications for a Initial Scientific Training Grant, tenable for 8 months, during the academic year 2002/03 ...
O CMUC oferece uma bolsa para a frequência do primeiro ano do Mestrado em Matemática no Departamento
O CMUC oferece uma bolsa para a frequência do primeiro ano do Mestrado em Matemática no Departamento de Matemática da FCTUC durante o ano lectivo de 2003/2004.
O CMUC abriu Concurso de Bolsas para Licenciado.
O CMUC abriu Concurso de Bolsas para Licenciado....
O CMUC abriu Concurso de Bolsas para Licenciado (com classificação elevada).
O CMUC abriu Concurso de Bolsas para Licenciado (com classificação elevada)....
Scholarships for Senior Researchers
Scholarships for Senior Researchers...
Postdoctoral Research Positions for 2006/2007
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2006
Postdoctoral Research Positions for 2006/2007
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2006...
Postdoctoral Research Positions for 2007/2008
Deadline for applications: May 10, 2007
Postdoctoral Research Positions for 2007/2008
Deadline for applications: May 10, 2007...
Deadline for applications: September 10, 2007
Deadline for applications: September 10, 2007...
Joint PhD Program in Mathematics UC|UP
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2008
Scholarships av
Joint PhD Program in Mathematics UC|UP
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2008
Scholarships available...
Deadline for applications: May 2, 2008
Deadline for applications: May 2, 2008...
Deadline for applications: September 10, 2008
Deadline for applications: September 10, 2008...
Candidaturas até: 30 de Setembro de 2008
Candidaturas até: 30 de Setembro de 2008...
Postdoctoral Research Positions for 2009/2010
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2009
Postdoctoral Research Positions for 2009/2010
Deadline for applications: January 31, 2009...