Highlights - Historic

<Theme details>

Featured ECMI Node: Coimbra
In this second half of January, Coimbra is featured (again) in the ECMI blog: https://ecmiindmath.org....

DSABNS2025 - Minisymposium organized by CMUC researchers
16th Conference on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences, 20-24 January 2025, Naples, Italy MS03: Differential Equations in Biomedicine: Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Parameter Optimization and Numerical Analysis Organizers: Giuseppe Romanazzi (Universidade...

Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - June 7, 2024
Industry Day: Maths for Agriculture - Trends and Challenges THE EVENT In recent years, the intersection of mathematics and agriculture has emerged as a pivotal domain, offering innovative solutions to address pressing challenges in both environmental, sustainability and economic viability....

Como a matemática pode salvar a tua vida - 10 de maio
Ao final da tarde... Uma conversa com Adérito Araújo (CMUC) 10 de maio, 17:00, Centro Cirúrgico de Coimbra Resumo: A matemática pode salvar a tua vida? A resposta é sim, claro que sim! Nesta conversa vamos descrever algumas aplicações da matemática a problemas que são vitais para a saúde...

Enumath 2023 - Minisymposia organized by CMUC researchers
Enumath 2023, Lisboa, September 4-8, 2023. Diseases, Diagnosis, Treatment: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical AnalysisOrganizers: Elías Gudino (UFPR, Brazil), Giuseppe Romanazzi (UNICAMP, Brazil), José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC) Numerical methods for fractional‐derivative...

ECMI 2023 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and Giterka Logistics invite teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2023 Student Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or...

Minisymposium, 22nd IACM Computational Fluids Conference - CFC 2023
Minisymposium - Toward robust and efficient embedded and immersed method for fluid dynamics: stable and very high order formulations CFC 2023, Cannes, France, April 25-28, 2023. Organized by: S. Clain (CMUC, Portugal), M. Ricchiuto (Team CARDAMOM, INRIA Univ. Bordeaux, France)...

CMUC research project highlighted on FCTUC website
In the following video, Ercília Sousa (CMUC) presents the project "additive.MILLING - Add Milling to Additive Manufacturing" (project PT2020-POCI-SII&DT 3414), developed by a multidisciplinary team, with mathematicians from CMUC,GLN Molds, CDRsp (IPLeiria) and...

ECMI 2022 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and fleXstructures GmbH invite teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2022 Student Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or...

Video "Multi-Camera Endoscopic Capsule Images: 3D Location and Automatic Detection of Abnormal Elements"
Prof. Isabel Narra Figueiredo (CMUC) presents the project "Multi-Camera Endoscopic Capsule Images: 3 D Location and Automatic Detection of Abnormal Elements" (FCT project PTDC/EMD-EMD/28960/2017), developed by a multidisciplinary team, with mathematicians from CMUC, electrical...

Workshop CIM & Enterprises
Date: November 26, 2021. Target Audience: Researchers, technical staff, undergraduate and graduate students (PhD students and Posdoctoral fellows), with interest in challenging mathematical applications. Organization: The workshop is promoted by CIM (International Center for...

Matemática Industrial em Portugal e na Europa: colaborações, iniciativas, carreiras e outras oportunidades
A online talk by Ana Jacinto Soares (Univ. Minho / PT-MATHS-IN) and Adérito Araújo (CMUC / PT-MATHS-IN). November 10, 16h  Mundus Mathematica - II Ciclo de Palestras - Matemática IndustrialISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de...

Verão com Ciência 2021 - Estágios para alunos de Licenciatura e Mestrado
A Universidade de Coimbra abre concurso para atribuição de 7 bolsas de iniciação à investigação, no âmbito da unidade de I&D Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra - CMUC, com o título Verão com...

Call for a research scholarship
The University of Coimbra opens a call for a one-year research fellowship in the area of Mathematics, under the ESC4SH project "Efficient Simulation and Computation for Health, Sea and Industry".  The call is open between July 20th 2021 and August 2nd 2021. Scientific...

ECMI 2021 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) invites teams of students of Bachelor, Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2021 Students Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or economic...

CIÊNCIA 2021 Meeting, June 28-30
José Augusto Ferreira (CMUC) will present a talk, titled "A mathematical perspective on drug delivery enhanced by stimuli", on the Thematic Session Ciências da Saúde - Genética, neurociências, biotecnologia e oncologia.June 30, 11:30-13:00...

Featured ECMI Node: Coimbra
In the second half of July, Coimbra is featured (again) on the ECMI blog: https://ecmiindmath.org....

ECMI 2020 Student Competition
The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) invites teams of students of Master or PhD levels in an ECMI member institution to the ECMI 2020 Students Competition. Each team should present their solution to a mathematical problem of social or economic importance. Teamwork...

News from ECMI and EMS
1. ECMI2020 conference meeting:  We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to the 21st ECMI conference, which will take place in Limerick, Ireland, from 22-26 June 2020. I am sure it will be an excellent memorable event and a great opportunity to strengthen collaborations...

CMUC at CIÊNCIA 2019 meeting
CMUC organizes a session on Computational Biology and Medical Applications: July 8, 11:30-13:00  Chair: Paula de Oliveira (CMUC/Universidade de Coimbra) Adélia Sequeira (CEMAT/IST, Universidade de Lisboa), Towards personalized accurate cardiovascular simulations...

Opening for Postdoctoral Position
The University of Coimbra (Portugal) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Position in Computational Mathematics, under the research project of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) titled "Multi-Cam capsule endoscopy imagery : 3D capsule...

Postdoctoral position in computational mathematics
Postdoctoral position in computational mathematics (focusing on image processing and analysis, visualization, numerical analysis, optimization, inverse problems in imaging, partial differential equations - with applications in medicine) in the framework of the interdisciplinary research...

Adérito Araújo was appointed President of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI)
Adérito Araújo was appointed President of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI). He will take up his duties on 1 January 2018. After having held the position of Vice-President in the last two years, he will, from now on, lead the European institution. ...

University of Coimbra signed a strategic partnership with Retmarker in technology for ocular screening of diabetics
The University of Coimbra (UC) signed a license agreement with Retmarker, a spin-off of the Critical Group, in the field of ophthalmology, on February 22nd 2017.The agreement consolidates a partnership initiated in 2013 to create a technology with the objective of automatically identify...

Cardiovascular diseases: Researchers from UC develop a mathematical model to simulate controlled drug release in last generation stents
A team of researchers of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), in collaboration with the Cardiology Department of the Hospital Centre of Coimbra (CHUC, Covões), developed a mathematical model that simulates controlled drug...

RETMARKER Diabetic Retinopathy screening technology
An automated screening method designed by a CMUC  research team led by Isabel M. Narra de Figueiredo, and incorporated in Retmarker, an automated retinal image analysis  technology, has just received independent scientific confirmation of its huge global potential in the fight...

Special Session of the XIII Annual Meeting of the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC-UC)
Mathematical models: paving the way for a personalized medicine? Paula de Oliveira (CMUC) December 17, 2015, 11h20m FCTUC Auditorium, Pólo II...

Adérito Araújo appointed ECMI Deputy Director
Our colleague Adérito Araújo has just been elected Deputy Director of ECMI - European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry.He will take up his new duties on ECMI next meeting in Berlin, February 29, 2016. The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is a...

Featured ECMI node: Coimbra
The ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics with Industry) blog is now online at http://ecmiindmath.org. It contains up-to-date information about events and opportunities in industrial and applied mathematics and will also feature the different ECMI centres. Until April 15, CMUC will be...

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