Description: |
Évariste Galois was born 200 years ago and died aged 20, shot in a mysterious early-morning duel in 1832. He left contributions to the theory of equations that changed the direction of mathematics and led directly to what is now broadly described as 'modern' or 'abstract' algebra. In this lecture, designed for a general audience, Dr Peter Neumann will explain Galois' discoveries and place them in their historical context. Little knowledge of mathematics is assumed - the only prerequisite is sympathy for mathematics and its history.
Start Date: |
2009-07-13 |
Start Time: |
15:00 |
Speaker: |
Peter M. Neumann (Univ. Oxford, UK)
Institution: |
University of Oxford, UK
Place: |
Sala 2.4
See more:
<Thematic Line - History of Mathematics>