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14:30, Sala 2.4,
"Matemática Conceptual: o papel das categorias"
Palestra pela Prof. Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
"Num livro [1] com o mesmo nome, Lawvere e Schanuel referem, sobre o seu percurso como matemáticos: "It has been the good fortune of the authors to live in these interesting times, and to see how the fundamental insight of categories has led to clearer understanding, thereby better organizing, and sometimes directing, the growth of mathematical knowledge and its applications." Partilhando deste ponto de vista, nesta apresentação pretendo ilustrar de forma elementar o papel das categorias na Matemática. [1] F.W. Lawvere, S.H. Schanuel, Conceptual Mathematics. A first introduction to categories. Cambridge Univ. Press 1997."
Place: |
Sala 2.4, DMat UC |
Organization: |
Start Date: |
2017-10-25 |
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<Thematic Line - Outreach Activities>