A "Summer School in Algebra and Topology" will take place at the Universite catholique de Louvain, from Wednesday 12 September to Saturday 15 September, 2018. The speakers will be professors Maria Manuel Clementino (http://www.mat.uc.pt/~mmc), Alberto Facchini (http://www.math.unipd.it/~facchini) and Tim Van der Linden (https://perso.uclouvain.be/tim.vanderlinden). The mini-courses will be addressed to Master and PhD students, and will also be of interest for experienced researchers in the fields of algebra, category theory and topology. The programme will consist in three mini-courses: Maria Manuel Clementino - Topological algebras Alberto Facchini - Commutative monoids, noncommutative rings and modules Tim Van der Linden - Non-associative algebras This event is part of a joint project of the Universite catholique de Louvain with the universities of Coimbra, Padova and Poitiers, promoting the collaboration within the "Coimbra Group" (http://www.coimbra-group.eu). Students (MSc and PhD) of these universities that are interested in attending the School may ask for some financial support. In the case of Coimbra, the students should contact Prof. Maria Manuel Clementino (mmc@mat.uc.pt). News about the school in the newsletter of the "Coimbra group": www.coimbra-group.eu/summer-school-in-algebra-and-topology