This event is the thirteenth in a series of annual workshops that have previously taken place in Madrid (2006, 2007), Barcelona (2008), Ghent (2009), La Laguna (2010), Coimbra (2012), Madrid (2012), Barcelona (2013), Zaragoza (2015), Paris (2016), La Laguna (2017) and Padova (2018). Its goal is to bring together young researchers working in geometry, mechanics and control theory and to offer a platform to present the results of their research to an international audience. There will be three courses: On the topology of bracket-generating distributions Alvaro del Pino (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands) Geometric hydrodynamics Klass Modin (Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden) The fictitious control method for the internal controllability of underactuated coupled systems of PDEs Pierre Lissy (Paris-Dauphine University, France)