PROGRAMME: 12h00 - 13h00 Juliane Fonseca de Oliveira Dimensionality of pattern formation in Reaction Di usion systems Abstract: In the study of pattern formation in symmetric physical systems a 3-dimensional structure in thin domains is often modelled as 2-dimensional one. As a contrast, in this work we use the full 3-dimensionality of the problem to give a theoretical interpretation and possibly decide whether the pattern seen in Reaction Di usion systems naturally occur in either 2- or 3- dimension. For this purpose, we are concerned with functions in R3 that are invariant under the action of a crystallographic group and the symmetries of their projections into a function de ned on a plane. 14h30 - 15h30 Jahed Naghipoor Tuning polymeric and drug properties in a drug-eluting stent: a numerical study Abstract: In recent years, mathematical modeling of cardiovascular drug delivery systems has become an effective tool to gain deeper insights in the cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis. In the case of the coronary biodegradable stent, it leads to a deeper understanding of drug release mechanisms from polymeric stent into the arterial wall. In this talk, a two-dimensional coupled nonlinear non-Fickian model for drug release from a biodegradable drug-eluting stent into the arterial wall is presented. The influence of porosity and degradation of the polymer as well as the dissolution rate of the drug are analyzed. Numerical simulations that illustrate the kind of dependence of drug pro les on these properties are included. Juliane Oliveira is a student of the Joint PhD Program in Mathematics UC|UP working at University of Porto in the area of "Bifurcation and Crystallography Theory" under the supervision of Prof. Isabel Labouriau and Prof. Sofia Castro. Jahed Naghipoor is a Post-doctoral fellow at Institute of Structural Mechanics (ISM), Bauhaus-Universitt Weimar, Germany and working in the area of "Numerical Analysis".