The second Summer School in Algebra and Topology will take place in Louvain-la-Neuve from Wednesday 11 September (starting at 9 a.m.) to Saturday 14 September 2019 (at 12.30). The invited speakers of the Summer School will be professors Silvana Bazzoni (University of Padova), Marino Gran (Université catholique de Louvain), Sandra Mantovani (University of Milan), and Jorge Picado (University of Coimbra). The Summer School will consist in four mini-courses addressed to Master and PhD students, that will be of interest also for more experienced researchers in mathematics. This event is part of a joint project of the Université catholique de Louvain with the universities of Coimbra, Padova and Poitiers, promoting research collaborations within the Coimbra Group. The project is funded by the UCLouvain for the period January 2018-December 2020. The first edition of the Summer School took place in September 2018.