The M³ Med MEETS Math workshop is the first in a series of meetings aimed at promoting dialogue between specialists in the medical community and mathematicians. This is an initiative promoted by the Laboratory of Computational Mathematics (LCM) of the Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra. This first workshop includes three sessions with specialists from the Hospital Center of the University of Coimbra and mathematicians from the Center of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra. The three sessions will be: Towards a precision ophthalmology: targeting the glaucoma Joaquim Murta, Faculty of Medicine, UC J. A. Ferreira, Department of Mathematics, UC Maths of aging: Illnesses of the retina Rufino Silva, Faculty of Medicine, UC M. Paula Serra de Oliveira, Department of Mathematics, UC
Maths of the heart: Stents and hemodynamics Lino Gonçalves, Faculty of Medicine, UC Gonçalo Pena, Department of Mathematics, UC