Optimisation is a field of Mathematics showing in many real-life applications, from the simple management of everyday problems to more sophisticated ones that arise in different scientific and technological areas. In many of these situations, it is necessary to consider several criteria simultaneously, which implies the use of multiobjective optimisation. The workshop "Multiobjective optimisation: applications in the industry" intends to show some of these examples with the participation of industry and academia speakers. It will be held on May 15th, in room 17A of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (DMUC). Programme 14:30: Opening 14:40: Prof. Carlos Henggeler Antunes (DEEC, UC), A bi-objective mixed integer linear programming model to optimize demand response in face of dynamic tariffs 15:10: Eng. Luís Santos (SMTUC), A importância das ferramentas de planificação de deslocações nos Transportes Públicos 15:40: Eng. Diogo Lemos (EDP), TBA 16:10: Lic. Daniela Coito (DM, UC), Um exemplo de otimização na EDP Distribuição 16:40: Closing and Coffee-break This is an activity in the scope of the Laboratory of Computational Mathematics of the Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra (CMUC) with the support of DMUC.