Webinar on Mathematics of the COVID19 crisis: In the eye of the storm The COVID-19 pandemic is currently generating considerable activity among applied and industrial mathematicians across Europe. The mathematics of modelling, simulation, and optimisation in all its various forms has experienced an unusual level of attention from authorities and from the media. In recent weeks, separate teams of researchers in countries across Europe (and elsewhere) have been busy with the urgent task of providing a rigorous basis for difficult political decisions. To aid exchange of ideas and preliminary results, to stimulate discussion, and to foster international collaboration, the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) is organising a web seminar "MATHEMATICS OF THE COVID19 CRISES" to be held on April 29, 2020 (Wednesday) at 1:00-3:30 pm GMT (2:00-4:30 pm CET) The webinar will bring together experts from different countries, who will outline their approaches in short presentations. The webinar is primarily an exchange between applied mathematicians, but it is public, and will be viewable on YouTube. To attend the seminar on YouTube in real time, please connect to this link, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC91b85JbKwOmWuGHP1mkUgg and select the live streaming window, under the "VIDEO" tag. Each talk will be 15-20 minutes long and will be followed by a session of questions. The attendees may use the YouTube live chat to address questions to the speakers. Information about speakers, times, and abstracts are at the URL: https://sites.google.com/view/math4covid/