Online workshop on the final results of the P2020 project SAICTPAC/0011/2015 "MobiWise: from Mobile Sensing to Mobility Advising", 12/15/2020 from 2pm to 5pm. Within the scope of the P2020 project SAICTPAC/0011/2015 "MobiWise: from Mobile Sensing to Mobility Advising" (, we invite you to its final workshop, which will be held on a virtual basis, to present the final results of the project. This workshop has a panel with the main operators and technology suppliers for 5G and future generations of communications: Altice, NOS, Wavecom, Siemens and Ericsson; and with a panel of international experts in the field of sensing, communications and mobility. In between these panels we will have a demonstration session of the results of the project. To register (free) in the virtual workshop, follow the following link: All information can be found at We are looking forward to your registration and attendance!