First Session 2020/21 PROGRAM 10h30-10h45 - Virtual Reception: André Carvalho 10h45-11h30 - Leonardo Larizza: "Lax factorisation systems and categories of partial maps" 11h30-11h45 - Break 11h45-12h30 - Ana Belén Avilez García: "The frame of reals and a characterization of normal frames given by z-embedded sublocales" 12h30-14h00 Lunch Break 14h15-15h00 - Herman Goulet-Ouellet: "Tree sets and the Return Theorem" 15h00-15h45 - André Carvalho: "Endomorphisms of the product of two free groups" 15h45-16h00 - Break 16h00-16h45 - Guest: Tiago Cruz, "Homological properties of Schur functors". The full program of the session and some information on the speakers is available at