Despite the high level of uncertainty determined by the pandemic worldwide, we are organizing the Fifth Workshop on Categorical Algebra: CatAlg2022 "Recent developments and future perspectives", that will take place in Gargnano (Garda lake), April 26th-30th, 2022. The scientific programme includes three 2-hour main talks, eight 1-hour invited talks, a conclusive talk and a poster session. The conference dinner will be a happy occasion to celebrate Maria Manuel Clementino's 60th birthday. Special session in honour of Maria Manuel Clementino: More information at: Sponsors:  Project FCT UIDB/00324/2020 Université catholique de Louvain (IRMP) Dipartimento di Matematica - Università degli Studi di Milano INDAM - Istituto Nazionale Di Alta Matematica - GNSAGA