This is a joint CAMGSD-CMUC Workshop in Nonlinear Analysis. It aims at gathering international top-level researchers, whose scientific agenda relates to ongoing projects led by members of the research centers CAMGSD (Centre for Mathematics, Geometry and Dynamical Systems) and CMUC (Centre for Mathematics at University of Coimbra). As a consequence, it expects to broaden local scientific interaction and strengthen pre-existing collaborations. As a by-product, the event also exposes young researchers and advanced graduate students to an environment of scientific excellence. The scope of the meeting covers, though it is not limited to, nonlinear analysis, variational problems and methods, regularity theory for elliptic equations, free boundary problems, and related topics. The scientific program comprises two minicourses, seven plenary lectures and four contributed talks. Organisers: Edgard A. Pimentel (CMUC, Universidade de Coimbra)
Hugo Tavares (CAMGSD, Universidade de Lisboa)