The Global Portuguese Mathematicians Conference is a recurring event that brings together Portuguese mathematicians, in a very broad sense, from around the world. Non-Portuguese mathematicians are naturally very welcome to participate.
The conference is in its third edition, having taken place in Lisbon (2017) and Porto (2019). This year, it will take place in Coimbra.
This event is an opportunity for mathematicians to share their research, exchange ideas, and make new connections in a friendly and supportive environment. All talks will be in english.
Scientific Committee: João Gouveia (CMUC) Ricardo Campos (CNRS - Univ Toulouse) Margarida Melo (Univ Roma Tre) José Mourão (CAMGSD, IST, Univ Lisboa) Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
Organizing Committee: Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC) João Gouveia (CMUC) Ricardo Campos (CNRS - Univ Toulouse)
Previous meetings:
IST (Lisbon), July 13-14, 2017
University of Porto, June 24-26, 2019
Sponsors: CMUC, SPM, SPE, CIM
