A mini-course on fully nonlinear equations, with an emphasis on viscosity solutions and regularity theory. The objective of the course is two-fold. First, it aims to equip the audience with the ability to tell a coherent story about the field. Secondly, to provide attendees interested in the topic with the tools necessary to formulate potential open problems. Lecturer Edgard Pimentel (CMUC) http://www.mat.uc.pt/~edgard.pimentel Sessions 8, 10, 15 and 17 of March, 14h00-16h00. Prerequisites and target audience The course presupposes some knowledge of functional analysis and partial differential equations (a first course at the graduate level should suffice). The target audience comprises undergraduate students (very) interested in the topic, graduate students in general, and researchers with some curiosity about the field. Follow-up activities Potential follow-up activities involve solely students' initiatives. Those include journal clubs on topics stemming from the program or (regular) seminar activities to cover related books. Main reference (for the sessions) Pimentel, E. (2022). Elliptic Regularity Theory by Approximation Methods (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009099899 Contents of the course and more information at the attached pdf file.