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Speaker(s): Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Some logical properties of local maps of toposes Michael Batanin (Macquarie University, Australia), Operads in higher dimensional category theory Carsten Butz (McGill University, Canada), Bernays-Gödel type theory Pilar Carrasco (University of Granada, Spain), (Co)Homology of crossed modules Jonathon Funk (University of British Columbia, Canada), Branched covers in topos theory Saunders Mac Lane (University of Chicago, USA), Eilenberg and categories Ieke Moerdijk (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Hopf algebras for monads on tensor categories Jirí RosickÜ (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Equational hull of varieties Stephen Schanuel (SUNY at Buffalo, USA), Objective number theory Enrico Vitale (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium), Some remarks on categorical groups Area(s): Category Theory