On the occasion of the visit of some members of its Advisory Committee, CMUC will hold a Workshop where recent achievements of the research unit will be presented. Although the CMUC Workshop is meant as a unit meeting, external participants are welcome. Friday, April 19 (Room 2.4)
09:00-09:10 The Algebra and Combinatorics Group 09:10-10:35 Jorge Neves, Recent results of the Algebraic Geometry Group Helena Albuquerque, Structure and representations of non-associative (super)algebras Olga Azenhas, Combinatorial models for Demazure characters and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, and enumeration and combinatorial generation of some families of set partitions Ivan Yudin, Borel-Schur algebras 10:35-10:50 Discussion 10:50-11:10 Coffee-break 11.10-11:25 The Algebra, Logic and Topology Group 11:25-11:45 Andrea Montoli, Schreier split epimorphisms in monoids 11:45-12:05 Alfredo Costa, Relatively free profinite semigroups: some advancements 12:05-12:25 Lurdes Sousa, On Kripke structures for modal logic and the final coalgebra of the finite power-set functor 12:25-12:45 Maria Manuel Clementino, Monoidal Topology 12:45-13:00 Discussion 14:30-14:45 The Geometry Group 14:45-15:05 Raquel Caseiro, Modular Classes 15:05-15:25 Paulo Antunes, Nijenhuis and compatible tensors on Courant algebroids 15:25-15:45 Antonio de Nicola, Geometry and Topology of quasi-Sasakian manifolds 15:45-16:05 António Salgueiro, On the conjugacy class of group actions on a 3-manifold with a fixed quotient 16:15-16:20 Discussion 16:20-16:40 Coffee-break 16:40-18:00 Advisory Committee Meeting Saturday, April 20
09:00-09:15 The Analysis Group 09:15-09:35 José Miguel Urbano, Optimal regularity at the free boundary for the infinity obstacle problem 09:35:09:55 Dmitry Vorotnikov, Mathematical modelling of motor proteins 09:55-10:15 Amílcar Branquinho, Sylvester equations in the theory of orthogonal polynomials 10:15-10:35 Susana Moura, Traces of 2-microlocal spaces with variable integrability 10:35-10:50 Discussion 10:50-11:10 Coffee-break 11:10-11:25 The Numerical Analysis and Optimization Group 11:25-11:45 Paula de Oliveira, Non Fickian diffusion in polymers and medical applications 11:45-12:05 José Augusto Ferreira, Reaction-diffusion in porous media 12:05-12:25 Luís Nunes Vicente, Recent developments in rigorous zero-order methods for optimization 12:25-12:45 João Gouveia, Semidefinite lifts of polytopes 12:45-13:00 Discussion
14:30-14:40 The Probability and Statistics Group 14:40-15:00 Nazaré Mendes Lopes, Conditional volatility in time series: stochastic modeling and applications 15:00-15:20 Carlos Tenreiro, Bandwidth selection for density estimation: a weighted cross-validation approach 15:20-16:20 The Laboratory for Computational Mathematics 16:20-16:40 Coffee-break 16:40-18:00 Advisory and Scientific Committees Meeting