FCT has announced the launch of the FCT Mobility program, aimed at supporting the international mobility of researchers. The program will fund medium and long-term stays for national doctoral researchers in foreign institutions and for foreign doctoral researchers in national institutions, with a view to carrying out research activities and/or fieldwork.
Researchers affiliated as integrated members of national R&D Units who want financial support for scientific research in foreign institutions or to host researchers affiliated with foreign institutions can apply.
At least 185 mobilities are expected to be supported under this program, to be contracted by March 31, 2026. The support granted includes an amount for travel and a monthly amount for accommodation, which varies according to the country of destination.
The program has two modalities:
- FCT Mobility outgoing, which supports the stay of national researchers in foreign institutions for between 2 and 11 consecutive months.
- FCT Mobility incomingThe FCT Mobility incoming program is designed to welcome researchers affiliated with foreign institutions to Portugal to carry out joint scientific activities. The mobility period must last a minimum of 1 month (30 days) and a maximum of 3 consecutive months.
The submission of applications will run continuously from November 7, 2024 until 5pm on December 31, 2025 (mainland Portugal time) or until the program's maximum allocation is reached (whichever comes first).