An international tender to fulfill 5 vacancies for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 31/08/2018]. The stated position will be held under a public service employment contract of specified duration at University of Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNIDADE 324 - Centro de Matemática da UC. Public tender reference: IT057-18-7227 Place of Work: University of Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNIDADE 324 - Centro de Matemática da UC Job description: the inherent to the position of a junior researcher in the announced field of knowledge, as established in the Decree no. 57/2016, in its latest version, and the Regulamento de recrutamento, contratação, prestação de serviço e avaliação de doutorados contratados a termo, na Universidade de Coimbra [Regulation on the Recruitment, Hiring, Service Provision and Assessment of Fixed-term PhD Employees at the University of Coimbra], hereinafter referred to as RRCPADCT. Contract length: three-year contract, which may be renewed for periods of one year up to a maximum of 6 years, accordingly to Decree no. 57/2016, of 29 August, in its latest version. For more information see the official announcement at (in Portuguese) Deadline for applications: 14 September 2018.