The "Pedro Nunes' Lecture 2021", entitled "Addressing the Growing Distrust in Algorithms with More Mathematics", by Shafi Goldwasser (UC Berkeley, USA), is a virtual lecture organized by CIM (Centro Internacional de Matemática), on June 16, 05:00pm (Lisbon time).
Shafi Goldwasser is Director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, and C. Lester Hogan Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at UC Berkeley; RSA Professor in EECS at MIT; Professor of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Shafi Goldwasser has been awarded with several scientific and professional recognitions, including the ACM Turing Award 2012. Virtual lecture live streamed on YouTube: More information about "Pedro Nunes' Lecture 2021": Pedro Nunes' Lectures is an anual initiative organized by CIM (Centro Internacional de Matemática) for promoting short visits to Portugal of outstanding mathematicians. Each visitor is invited to give two or three lectures in portuguese universities about recent developments in Mathematics, its applications and cultural impact.