Associação Atractor, which has CMUC/FCTUC as one of its institutional members, was one of the partners of an ERASMUS+ project that developed, among other materials, online repositories, available at These repositories contain several materials, in English, Portuguese, Deutsch, and Italian, aimed at formal and non-formal teaching of Mathematics, through mathematical stories, various apps and various illustrative materials, including movies, images and animations, as well as materials specifically produced for parents and educators. The Mathina Project involved, in addition to the Atractor Association (PT), the following European institutions: Bragi Vizualne Komunikacije (SI), Curvilinea Società Cooperativa (IT), Experience Workshop (FI) and Imaginary (DE). Mathina promotes mathematical thinking through the development, implementation and dissemination of free-to-use educational tools suitable for the digital age. The materials cover four different age groups: 4-6, 7-10, 11-14 and 15-19+ years, and are available for free, and their apps are not only accessible on PCs, but also on tablets and smartphones. In this way, everyone can be enchanted by the adventures of Mathina, her brother Leo, the wizard and many other characters who help introduce mathematical concepts and ideas through stories, challenges and puzzles. Mathina can be used by parents and their children, to learn together in a playful way, by teachers as a teaching tool, or directly by young people eager to learn more math. Co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union