An international tender to fulfill 1 vacancy for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 21/07/2022]. The stated position will be held under a public service employment contract of specified duration at University of Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNIDADE 324 - Centro de Matemática da UC. Public tender reference: IT057-22-11826 Place of Work: University of Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNIDADE 324 - Centro de Matemática da UC. Project financed under the CEEC Inst. - Institutional Scientific Employment Stimulation Contest, with the reference CEECINST_00099_2021(Exact Sciences). Job description: Contribute to the development of CMUC's project, in particular of the research group in which the candidate will be integrated. The tasks involved include: i. Participation in CMUC's activities with his/her specialized expertise; ii. Develop research tasks integrated in one of CMUC's research groups (Algebra and Combinatorics; Algebra, Logic and Topology; Analysis; Geometry; Numerical Analysis and Optimization; Probability and Statistics); iii. Production and edition of scientific papers and progress reports on his/her research work; iv. Supervision of PhD students in topics covered by CMUC's project; v. Participation in CMUC's outreach activities. Contract length: three years, renewable for periods of one year, up to a maximum of six years. Applicants must access and register on the electronic platform, to submit their application, selecting the procedure to which they intend to apply. For more information see the official announcement at Deadline for applications: 4 August 2022. AN IMPORTANT NOTE: candidates with qualifications obtained abroad will have to make proof that they have their Ph.D. recognized by the Portuguese authorities (Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August), or provide evidence that they have requested this, until the end of the application process. This request can be made online at