The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra has opened a call for 3 research scholarships to be granted to candidates wishing to pursue a PhD degree in Mathematics at the UC|UP PhD Program in Mathematics (edition 2023/2024), under the supervision of a CMUC researcher. The terms of this call are in compliance with the provisions of the FCT Regulations for Research Grants and Fellowships (RBI) and the Research Fellowship Holder Statute (EBI). The scholarships will be financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) (FCT) under the Collaboration Agreement of the Multiannual Financing Plan for Doctoral Research Grants, signed between FCT and the R&D Research Unit CMUC - Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra, UID/MAT/00324/2020. All official details for this call can be found in the Euraxess website. The call is open from April 1 till April 30, 2023. Call file (in Portuguese): Call file (in English): Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - Projeto FCT UID/00324/2020