An international tender to fill 1 vacancy for the position of Junior Researcher in the field of Mathematics, is open for 10 working days following the publication of the present notice in Diário da República [Official Journal of the Portuguese Republic, 27/06/2024]. The stated position will be held under a public service employment contract of specified duration at the University of Coimbra, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNIDADE 324 - Centro de Matemática da UC.
Public tender reference: IT057-24-14138
Applicants must access and register on the electronic platform, to submit their application:
Project financed under the CEEC Inst. - Institutional Scientific Employment Stimulation Contest of FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia), with the reference CEECINST_00099_2021(Exact Sciences).
Job description: The Researcher will contribute to the development of the CMUC project, in particular, the research group in which he or she will be integrated. The tasks to be performed include: participation in CMUC activities and contributing specialized knowledge to these activities; developing research tasks, integrated into one of the CMUC research groups (Algebra and Combinatorics; Algebra, Logic and Topology; Analysis; Geometry; Numerical Analysis and Optimization; Probabilities and Statistics); editing scientific articles and progress reports on your research work; guidance of doctoral students to develop theses within the scope of the project; and participation in CMUC outreach activities.
Contract length: three years, renewable for periods of one year (subject to availability of funds), up to a maximum of six years.
For more information consult the Public Notice at
Deadline for applications: 12 July 2024.
AN IMPORTANT NOTE: candidates with qualifications obtained abroad will have to prove that they have their Ph.D. recognized by the Portuguese authorities (Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 16 August), or provide evidence that they have requested this, until the end of the application process. This request can be made online at