CMUC members are organizing the following special sessions: Algebraic Combinatorics and Representation Theory, organizers: Olga Azenhas (CMUC) and Cristina Ballantine (College of the Holy Cross), email of contact organizer:
Algebraic Theory of Semigroups and Applications, organizers: Alfredo Costa (CMUC), António Malheiro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), John C. Meakin (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Ana Moura (Instituto Politécnico do Porto) and Jean-Éric Pin (Université Paris-Diderot, and CNRS), email of contact organizer:
Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology, organizers: Gonçalo Gutierres da Conceição (CMUC) and Dirk Hofmann (Universidade de Aveiro), email of contact organizer: Enumerative and Combinatorial Methods in Moduli Theory, organizers: Margarida Melo (CMUC) and Alberto López Martín (Tufts University), email of contact organizer: New Trends in Representation Theory, organizers: Ana Paula Santana (CMUC), Carlos André (Universidade de Lisboa), Karin Erdmann (University of Oxford) and Alexander Kleshchev (University of Oregon), email of contact organizer: Nonassociative Algebras and Related Topics, organizers: Helena Albuquerque (CMUC) and Alberto Elduque (Universidad de Zaragoza), email of contact organizer: More information in