The International competition "MathLapse Festival" (, organized by Imaginary (a project of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach), held in Berlin (last 22 of July), selected the best 5 MathLapses* from the 47 submitted videos.
One of the 5 prizes was awarded to Atractor (, a Portuguese scientific project devoted to the popularization of mathematics, for the movie "Constructions by pin-and-string - conics" ( This MathLapse illustrates a process for drawing the three conics (ellipse, parabola and hyperbola) by pin-and-string constructions. The University of Coimbra (through FCTUC, the Faculty of Science and Technology, and its Maths Department) is a partner of Atractor.
In the Atractor YouTube channel ( you may see other MathLapses produced by Atractor.
*MathLapse is a short movie that illustrates some mathematical idea.