Description: |
The moduli space of spin curves of genus $g$ parametrizes pairs consisting of a curve and a square root of the canonical class on the curve. It is therefore endowed with a forgetful map to $M_g$, the moduli space of curves of genus $g$, which has degree $2^{2g}$. There are different modular compactifications of this moduli space, but they turn out to be all isomorphic to the original one, due to Cornalba. On the other hand, tropical spin curves have been introduced by Baker and Norine in their original proof of the tropical Brill-Noether theorem and have been further studied by Zharkov. I will talk about on-going work with Lucia Caporaso where we investigate the analogies between these spaces speculating about the possibility of the later being the skeleton of the Berkovich analytification of the first.
Date: |
Start Time: |
15:00 |
Speaker: |
Ana Margarida Melo (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra)
Institution: |
CMUC-Universidade de Coimbra
Place: |
Room 5.4 DMUC
Research Groups: |
-Algebra and Combinatorics
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