Description: |
In this talk we will discuss the geometric description of mechanical systems with external forces. Some of these systems has additional geometric features and we will study if it is possible to preserve some of these properties using geometric integrators like variational integrators or discrete gradient methods. We will pay special attention to forced Euler-Poincaré and Lie-Poisson systems, and the cases of interest will be when the coadjoint orbits remain invariant, but on them the energy is decreasing along orbits (double bracket dissipation) and, also the case of metriplectic systems where the energy is preserved but the entropy is increasing along the motion.
Date: |
Start Time: |
15:00 |
Speaker: |
David Martin de Diego (ICMAT, Madrid, Spain)
Institution: |
ICMAT (Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Place: |
Sala 2.4
Research Groups: |
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