Description: |
The palindromization map has been defined initially by Aldo de Luca in the context of Sturmian words. It was extended to the free group of rank 2 by Kassel and Reutenauer. We extend their construction to arbitrary alphabets. We also investigate the suffix automaton and compact suffix automaton of the words obtained by palindromization (joint work with Christophe Reutenauer).
Date: |
Start Time: |
15:00 |
Speaker: |
Dominique Perrin (Univ. Gustave-Eiffel, Paris-Est, France)
Institution: |
Univ. Gustave-Eiffel, Paris-Est, France
Place: |
Zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/92397973346?pwd=cWV4OGppbWpjY2xMdTNRT0FmNHBEdz09 Password: 157874
Research Groups: |
-Algebra and Combinatorics
-Algebra, Logic and Topology
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