Matrix orthogonal polynomials: an exceptional example.

After an introduction to matrix measures, we discuss matrix polynomials in general as well as a broad class of examples. For one of these examples we discuss how one can build a set of exceptional matrix polynomials. This involves a set of orthogonal matrix polynomials, which are not directly labelled by their degree. These polynomials are constructed using a matrix Darboux factorisation. The last example is joint work with Pablo Roman and Lucia Morey.

Date:  2024-10-23
Start Time:   15:30
Speaker:  Erik Koelink (Radboud Universiteit, Netherlands)
Institution:  Radboud Universiteit
Place:  Online:
Organization:  at CMUC: Kenier Castillo
See more:   <Main>   <Portuguese-Polish Online Analysis Seminar>  
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