On least-energy solutions to a pure Neumann Lane-Emden system

I will present some existence results for a Lane-Emden system on a bounded regular domain with Neumann boundary conditions and critical nonlinearities. We show that, under suitable conditions on the exponents in the nonlinearities, least-energy (sign-changing) solutions exist. In the proof we exploit a dual variational formulation, and we establish a compactness condition which is based on a new Cherrier type inequality.  We then prove such condition by using as test functions the solutions to the system in the whole space and performing delicate asymptotic estimates. I will also discuss convergence of solutions in dependence of the exponents of the nonlinearities, and related results. Based on joint works with A. Pistoia, A. Saldaña, and H. Tavares.

Date:  2024-10-25
Start Time:   14:30
Speaker:  Delia Schiera (IST, Lisboa)
Institution:  Instituto Superior Técnico
Place:  Sala 5.5, DMUC
Research Groups: -Analysis
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