Description: |
Motivated by applications in artificial intelligence and software
engineering that require the joint use of different deduction formalisms,
the interest in combination of logic systems has recently been growing, but
the topic is also of interest on purely theoretical grounds. Several forms
of combination have been studied, like product, fusion, temporalization,
parameterization, synchronization and, more recently, fibring. In this
guided tour of the issues raised by the combination of logics, we define
fibring (the most general form of combination) in a very simple (yet
useful) context, discuss some examples and establish some interesting
transference results, namely preservation of strong completeness and
nonpreservation of congruence. We end the tour with a brief reference to
some open problems. The talk is based on a recent overview paper (together
with C. Sernadas) available at
http://www.cs.math.ist.utl.pt/ftp/pub/SernadasA/03-SS-fiblog22.pdf to
appear in the CIM Bulletin.
Area(s): Logic and Computation
Date: |
Start Time: |
14.30 |
Speaker: |
Amílcar Sernadas
(Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
Place: |
Research Groups: |
-Algebra, Logic and Topology
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