On the number of shellable arrangements of pseudolines (Preprint)

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Type: Preprint
National /International: International
Title: On the number of shellable arrangements of pseudolines
Publication Date: 2025-02-05
Authors: - Ricardo Mamede
- José Luis Esteves dos Santos
- Diogo Conde Soares

An arrangement of pseudolines is a finite collection of bi-infinite simple curves where each pair intersects exactly once. Using the correspondence between rhombic tilings of 2-dimensional zonotopes and pseudoline arrangements, we enumerate the subset of arrangements of \( n \) pseudolines that include extreme pseudolines. Additionally, we derive a recursive formula for counting shellable arrangements of pseudolines and establish bounds along with asymptotic results.

Institution: DMUC 25-05
Online version: http://www.mat.uc.pt...prints/eng_2025.html
Download: Not available
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