A comparison between weakly protomodular and protomodular objects in unital categories (Preprint)

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Type: Preprint
National /International: International
Title: A comparison between weakly protomodular and protomodular objects in unital categories
Publication Date: 2024-09-27
Authors: - Xabier García-Martínez
- Andrea Montoli
- Diana Rodelo
- Tim Van der Linden

We compare the concepts of protomodular and weakly protomodular objects within the context of unital categories. Our analysis demonstrates that these two notions are generally distinct. To establish this, we introduce left pseudocancellative unital magmas and characterise weakly protomodular objects within the variety of algebras they constitute. Subsequently, we present an example of a weakly protomodular object that is not protomodular in this category.

Institution: DMUC 24-41
Online version: http://www.mat.uc.pt...prints/eng_2024.html
Download: Not available
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