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BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, PÉREZ, Teresa E. Lax-type pairs in the theory of bivariate orthogonal polynomials. Linear Algebra and its Applications
BRANQUINHO, Amílcar, FERNÁNDEZ-DÍAZ, Juan E., FOULQUIÉ-MORENO, Ana, MAÑAS, Manuel Markov chains and multiple orthogonality.
DEGOND, Pierre, DIMARCO, Giacomo, FERREIRA, Marina A., HECHT, Sophie Modeling ballistic aggregation by time stepping approaches. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
PIMENTEL, Edgard, URBANO, José Miguel (Eds.). Modern methods in the analysis of free boundary problems. Cham: Springer.
CASTILLO, Kenier, MBOUNA, Dieudonné On a conjecture involving Askey-Wilson polynomials. Integral Transforms and Special Functions