CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, HOFMANN, Dirk, THOLEN, Walter (2024). Cauchy convergence in \(\mathcal V\)-normed categories. DMUC 24-23 Preprint.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, FITAS, Carlos, HOFMANN, Dirk (2024). A variety of co-quasivarieties. DMUC 24-21 Preprint.
LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, VÁKÁR, Matthijs (2024). Free doubly-infinitary distributive categories are cartesian closed. DMUC 24-16 Preprint.
BORCEUX, Francis, CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel (2024). On toposes, algebraic theories, semi-abelian categories and compact Hausdorff spaces. DMUC 24-12 Preprint.
GUTIERRES, Gonçalo, MAMEDE, Ricardo, SANTOS, José Luis (2024). Hamilton cycles for involutions of classical type. DMUC 24-03 Preprint.
HOEFNAGEL, Michael, RODELO, Diana (2024). Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity. DMUC 24-01 Preprint.
ADÁMEK, Jirí, SOUSA, Lurdes (2024). A finitary adjoint functor theorem. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 53, pp. 1919-1936.
COSTA, Alfredo (2024). A fórmula de Herão. Gazeta de Matemática. Vol. 202, pp. 9-11.
COSTA, Alfredo (2024). A fórmula de Legendre para fatoriais. Gazeta de Matemática. Vol. 203, pp. 8-11.
LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, VÁKÁR, Matthijs (2024). Automatic differentiation for ML-family languages: Correctness via logical relations. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. Vol. 34, pp. 747-806.