CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, PAIVA, Valeria de, FUNK, Jonathon (Eds.). (2024). Bunge Festschrift: A special volume celebrating Marta Bunge's contributions to category theory. [Special Issue]. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 40. (1).
HOEFNAGEL, Michael, RODELO, Diana (2024). Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 17, pp. 531-550.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, PAIVA, Valeria de, FUNK, Jonathon (2024). Celebrating the legacy of Marta Bunge: a tribute. Theory and Applications of Categories 40 (2024), 1-2.
GUTIERRES, Gonçalo, MAMEDE, Ricardo (2024). Diameter of a commutation class on reduced words. Discrete Mathematics. Vol. 347. 10, Article number 114098, pp. 1-13.
BORLIDO, Célia, KARAZERIS, Panagis, REGGIO, Luca, TSAMIS, Konstantinos (2024). Filtral pretoposes and compact Hausdorff locales. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 41, pp. 1439-1475.
PICADO, Jorge, PULTR, Ales (2024). Frobenius identities and geometrical aspects of Joyal-Tierney theorem. Topology and its Applications. Vol. 358. Article number 109127, pp. 1-12.
PREZADO, Rui, LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando (2024). Generalized multicategories: change-of-base, embedding, and descent. Applied Categorical Structures. Vol. 32. Article number 35, pp. 1-89.
DI LIBERTI, Ivan, LOBBIA, Gabriele, SOUSA, Lurdes (2024). KZ-pseudomonads and Kan injectivity. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 40. 16, pp. 430-478.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando (2024). Lax comma 2-categories and admissible 2-functors. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 40. 6, pp. 180-226.
CLEMENTINO, Maria Manuel, LUCATELLI NUNES, Fernando, PREZADO, Rui (2024). Lax comma categories: cartesian closedness, extensivity, topologicity, and descent. Theory and Applications of Categories. Vol. 41. 16, pp. 516-530.