CAMPOS, G. C. M., FERREIRA, José Augusto, PENA, Gonçalo, ROMANAZZI, Giuseppe (2024). A second order method for a drug release process defined by a differential Maxwell-Wichert stress-strain relation. DMUC 24-52 Preprint.
BORGES, J. S., CAMPOS, G. C. M., FERREIRA, José Augusto, ROMANAZZI, Giuseppe (2024). Drug release from polymeric platforms for non smooth solutions. DMUC 24-50 Preprint.
FERNANDES, Augusto, FERREIRA, José Augusto, PINTO, Luís (2024). Numerical analysis of a Keller-Segel-Flow model for tumor cell migration. DMUC 24-51 Preprint.
HENRIQUES, Rafael, BARBEIRO, Sílvia (2024). Finite elements with neural networks for the inverse elastography problem. DMUC 24-43 Preprint.
GOUVEIA, João, WIEBE, Amy (2024). A Yannakakis-type theorem for lifts of affine semigroups. arXiv:2407.14764 Preprint.
GOUVEIA, João, ITO, Masaru, LOURENÇO, Bruno F. (2024). Minimal hyperbolic polynomials and ranks of homogeneous cones. arXiv:2404.03860 Preprint.
BARBEIRO, Sílvia, HENRIQUES, Rafael, SANTOS, José Luis (2024). A quadratic optimization program for the inverse elastography problem. DMUC 24-15 Preprint.
BARBEIRO, Sílvia, HENRIQUES, Rafael, SANTOS, José Luis (2024). The derivative free trust-region method for the inverse elastography problem. DMUC 24-13 Preprint.
MAMEDE, Ricardo, SANTOS, José Luis, SOARES, Diogo (2024). A characterization of one-element commutation classes. DMUC 24-04 Preprint.
GUTIERRES, Gonçalo, MAMEDE, Ricardo, SANTOS, José Luis (2024). Hamilton cycles for involutions of classical type. DMUC 24-03 Preprint.