Algebra and Combinatorics (AC)

Speaker Title Date
Charles R. Johnson (College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,USA) Positive, Path-Product and Inverse M-matrices 2006-04-27
João Gouveia (CMUC, U. Coimbra) Polyhedral Complexes, Non-Archimedean Amoebas and Tropical Varieties: A First Glimpse on Tropical Geometry 2006-04-11
João Queiró (CMUC, U. Coimbra) Generalized condition numbers and a problem on absolute norms 2006-03-28
Margarida Mendes Lopes (CAM, IST) Small invariants and big fundamental group 2006-03-14
André V. Fonseca (CAUL, U. Lusófona) A categoria de Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand 2006-02-21
Marija Dodig (CELC/Univ. de Lisboa) Completion of Matrices and Matrix Pencils 2006-01-17
Paula Rama (Universidade de Aveiro) Graphs with regularity constraints 2006-01-10
Ilya Spitkovsky (College of William and Mary, USA) How to restore the tuple of matrices by their joint numerical range 2005-12-20
Ana Luísa Correia (CELC/Univ. Aberta) Burch's inequality for modules 2005-12-13
Alejandro Piñera (Univ. de Oviedo) Super-characters of finite algebra groups 2005-12-06
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