Probability and Statistics (PS)

Speaker Title Date
Magda Monteiro (ESTGA & CIDMA, Univ. Aveiro) Mixed-Effect State Space models applied to environmental data: the discrimination of the Water Quality Monitoring Sites in River Vouga 2016-04-15
Cristina Martins (DMUC, Univ. Coimbra) The Taylor property in non-negative autoregressive stochastic processes 2015-11-13
Maria Conceição Serra (CMAT, Univ. Minho) A branching process approach to the survival of populations: skeleton process and stochastic introgression 2015-07-17
Idir Arab (University of Bejaia, Algeria) Convergence of Kiefer-Wolfowitz algorithm under quasi-associated random errors 2015-06-18
Carla Henriques (CMUC and Instituto Politécnico de Viseu) Modelling with clinical data: examples, limitations, aims ... 2015-03-11
Christian H. Weiß (Helmut Schmidt Univ. Hamburg, Germany) Modeling and analysis of count data time series: recent research activities 2015-02-03
José E. Chacón (Univ. de Extremadura, Spain) Density-based cluster analysis: an interface between Statistics, Differential Topology and Dynamical Systems 2014-12-10
Maria da Graça Temido (CMUC, Univ. Coimbra) Random fields and random sampling 2014-11-14
Jorge Milhazes Freitas (CMUP, Univ. Porto) Extreme Value Theory for chaotic dynamics 2014-10-31
Filipa Silva (CMUC) A new class of integer valued processes with conditional heteroscedasticity 2014-09-19
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