Numerical Analysis and Optimization (NAO)

Speaker Title Date
Immanuel M. Bomze (University of Vienna) Optimization of posynomials under l^p constraints 2009-02-12
Gonçalo Pena (CMUC) Construction of a High Order Fluid-Structure Interaction Solver 2009-02-05
Sílvia Barbeiro (CMUC) Analysis of a fully coupled geomechanics and reservoir flow model with stress-dependent permeability 2008-12-18
Serge Gratton (CNES-CERFACS) A recursive multi-level trust-region algorithm for bound constrained optimization 2008-12-11
Filomena Teodoro (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal) Computational methods for forward-backward differential equations 2008-11-20
J. A. Tenreiro Machado (ISEP) Fractional Calculus: Application in Modeling and Control 2008-11-13
Katya Scheinberg (Math. Sciences, IBM Research) Optimization methods for sparse covariance selection for Gaussian models 2008-10-30
Giuseppe Romanazzi (CMUC) Parallel Perfomance Prediction for Multilevel Numerical Software 2008-10-16
Marc Baboulin (CMUC) Using dual techniques to derive condition numbers. Application to componentwise and mixed condition numbers for linear least squares. 2008-09-18
J.J.P. Veerman (Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Portland State University) Flocks and Formations 2008-07-14
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