Analysis (A)

Speaker Title Date
Kenier Castillo (CMUC) On the works of A. Markov and Stieltjes on monotonicity of zeros 2016-05-27
Therese Mieth (Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Germany) Sobolev spaces with power weights perturbed by slowly varying functions 2016-05-13
Margarida Baía (IST, Lisboa) A model for phase transitions with competing terms 2016-05-12
Juhana Siljander (Univ. Jyväskylä, Finland) Gradient estimates for the porous medium equation 2016-04-22
Farid Bozorgnia (IST, Univ. Lisboa) Numerical investigations of spatially segregation models 2016-04-13
Hans G. Feichtinger (Univ. Vienna, Austria) Banach Frames and Banach Gelfand Triples, with applications to Time-Frequency Analysis 2016-04-06
José Matias (IST, Lisboa) Some results in the context of structured deformations 2016-04-01
Oleksiy Karlovych (Univ. Nova de Lisboa) On convolution type operator with piecewise continuous symbols on variable Lebesgue spaces 2016-02-26
Helena Gonçalves (Technische Univ. Chemnitz, Germany) Non-smooth atomic decomposition of 2-microlocal spaces with variable integrability 2016-02-19
Juha Videman (IST, Univ. Lisboa) On mixed and stabilized finite element methods for the obstacle problem 2016-02-12
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