Kenier Castillo (CMUC) |
Refined interlacing properties for zeros of paraorthogonal polynomials on the unit circle
2018-05-11 |
Renato Álvarez-Nodarse (IMUS, Univ. Sevilla, Spain) |
Mathematics and the world around us
2018-04-16 |
Leszek Skrzypczak (Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Poznan, Poland) |
Entropy numbers of compact embeddings or radial and multi-radial subspaces of Sobolev spaces with applications.
2018-04-11 |
Diogo Gomes (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) |
Price models in mean-field games
2018-03-21 |
Miguel Tierz (Univ. Lisboa) |
Some results on minors of Toeplitz matrices and the theory of symmetric functions
2018-03-16 |
Stanislav Antontsev (Univ. Lisboa & Inst. Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia) |
A class of electromagnetic p(x,t)-curl systems: existence and uniqueness, blow-up and finite time extinction
2018-02-16 |
José Luis Cardoso (CM-UTAD) |
On basic Fourier-Bessel expansions. Some related issues.
2018-02-09 |
Ivan Kuznetsov (Institute of Hydrodynamics, Novosibirsk, Russia) |
Global higher regularity of solutions to p(x,t)-parabolic equations
2018-02-09 |
Fernando Charro (CMUC) |
Totalitarian random Tug-of-War games and Jensen's extremal equations
2017-12-15 |
Amiran Gogatishvili (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic) |
Characterization of interpolation between Grand, small or classical Lebesgue spaces
2017-11-24 |