Algebra and Combinatorics (AC)

Speaker Title Date
Jose Ramón Brox López (CMUC) Nonassociative products in nonassociative algebras with involution 2018-10-03
Stephen Donkin (Univ. of York, UK) On the Clebsch-Gordan problem in positive characteristic 2018-07-05
Raul Penaguião (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland) Tree conjecture on graphs and more colourings in polytopes 2018-06-29
Cédric Lecouvey (Univ. François Rabelais, Tours, France) Totally nonnegative unitriangular Toeplitz matrices and k-Schur functions 2018-06-21
João Dias (Univ. Lisboa) Supercharacters for algebra groups and their geometric relations 2018-06-06
Carlos André (Univ. Lisboa) Supercharacters, Schur rings and association schemes 2018-05-30
Khadijeh Alibabaei (CMUP, Univ. Porto) On the profinite topology on solvable groups 2018-05-23
Filipe Gomes (Univ. Lisboa) Supercharacters of unitriangular groups and ramification graphs 2018-05-02
António Malheiro (Univ. Nova de Lisboa) Identities in plactic and related monoids 2018-04-18

Janko Bracic (Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Sets of operators determined by the numerical range 2018-03-19
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